I cannot breathe enough of Thee

C142 CB172 D172 E172 F225 G172 K142 LSM32 P84 R125 S82 T172
I cannot breathe enough of Thee,
  O gentle breeze of love;
More fragrant than the myrtle tree
The Henna-flower* is to me,
  The Balm of Heaven above.
I cannot gaze enough on Thee,
  Thou Fairest of the Fair;
My heart is filled with ecstasy,
As in Thy face of radiancy
  I see such beauty there.
I cannot yield enough to Thee,
  My Savior, Master, Friend;
I do not wish to go out free,
But ever, always, willingly,
  To serve Thee to the end.
I cannot sing enough of Thee,
  The sweetest name on earth;
A note so full of melody
Comes from my heart so joyously,
  And fills my soul with mirth.
I cannot speak enough of Thee,
  I have so much to tell;
Thy heart it beats so tenderly
As Thou dost draw me close to Thee,
  And whisper, “All is well.”
* An Old World plant, prized for
its fragrant yellow and white flowers.
(Song of Sol. 1:14, A.S.V.)
Grace Jesus

London, United Kingdom

He is worthy; praise Him!!!


Miami, Florida, United States

I cannot yield enough to Thee!


Ft Lauderdale, Florida, United States

Wow praise Him!


Arcadia, CA

Lord Jesus thank You for assuring us daily that all is well!


London, United Kingdom

William Spencer Walton, 1906 (I Cannot Breathe Enough of Thee)

When his wife informed him that he was dying of an abdominal infection his response was, "He knows! I'm ready. I've been ready for thirty-four years. Bless His name."

David Chua

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

He is the purpose of our human life!

Chen Ya-te

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

The hymn comes to me very often. It can be sung only from a heart which knows "love." No other way is sweeter, easier, more full of enjoyment, than loving the Lord. Yes we cannot breathe enough of him!

Jonab Gama

Vitoria Da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil

Que hino lindo!

Jovan Heron

London, England

It is a great blessing to recognize our need of Christ in His all-inclusiveness through the Spirit. Praise the Lord! Saints we cannot breathe enough of Him.

Added stanza 2:

2. I cannot drink enough of Thee,

O moist’ning morning Dew;

Fresh, cooling, quenching, watering,

Supplying, and enlivening& mdash;

Oh, soak me through and through!

Piano Hymns