My Father God, when on Thy vast creation,
The wonders of the heav’n and earth, I gaze,
Things great and small, beyond enumeration,
Which manifest Thy pow’r in untold ways;
The wonders of the heav’n and earth, I gaze,
Things great and small, beyond enumeration,
Which manifest Thy pow’r in untold ways;
Then all my being sings in praise to Thee,
How marvellous! How great Thou art!
And this I’ll sing through all eternity,
How marvellous! How great Thou art!
How marvellous! How great Thou art!
And this I’ll sing through all eternity,
How marvellous! How great Thou art!
As I enjoy the grace of Thy salvation
And contemplate how Thou Thy Son hast sent,
Who died that we might be Thy new creation,
Thy life expressing to the full extent;
And contemplate how Thou Thy Son hast sent,
Who died that we might be Thy new creation,
Thy life expressing to the full extent;
When in the church, in blest participation,
I see how millions Thine own life possess,
How they are built to form Thy habitation,
Containing Thee, Thy fulness to express;
I see how millions Thine own life possess,
How they are built to form Thy habitation,
Containing Thee, Thy fulness to express;
As I expect the coming age of fulness
And hope to share the new Jerusalem,
With all the heavens and the earth in newness
And all Thou art expressed in all of them;
And hope to share the new Jerusalem,
With all the heavens and the earth in newness
And all Thou art expressed in all of them;
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London, United Kingdom
Hallelujah hallelujah…
As I enjoy the grace of Thy salvation
And contemplate how Thou Thy Son hast sent,
Who died that we might be Thy new creation,
Thy life expressing to the full extent;
Then all my being sings in praise to Thee,
How marvellous! How great Thou art!
And this I’ll sing through all eternity,
How marvellous! How great Thou art!
Sepang, Malaysia
Then all my being sings in praise to Thee,
How marvellous! How great Thou art!
And this I’ll sing through all eternity,
How marvellous! How great Thou art!
Mansfield, Ohio, United States
This hymn is actually an adaptation of “How Great Thou Art” by Carl Bobarg. The music, the first verse, and the chorous are taken directly from his hymn. I love this hymn and never knew the original one. It shows God’s revelation is progressive with brothers building on previous church fathers that came before. Lord, how wonderful how great thou art. I’m sure I will sing this for eternity. Thank the Lord for his many gifts to the church!
I like this
Sauyo, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A heartfelt hymn that beautifully captures the awe and gratitude for God's creation, salvation, and the glorious anticipation of a future in His presence. The melody of praise echoes through every verse, declaring the marvel and greatness of our Father God.
Taipei, Taiwan
Thank you our dear Abba Father
We are your many sons
And will be part in and share the new Jerusalem
With all the heavens and the earth in newness
And all Thou art expressed in all of them;
Delhi, India
Amazing hymn, As I enjoy the grace of Thy salvation
And contemplate how Thou Thy Son hast sent,
Who died that we might be Thy new creation,
Thy life expressing to the full extent. Amen
Chigaco, Illinois, United States
Drink freely the water of life. praise the Lord
Irvine, CA, United States
May You gain what You desire this year Father!
Auckland, New Zealand
Things great and small, beyond enumeration, which manifest Thy power in untold way.
Many time I was gazing on the different flowers and leaves. I was always amazed how beautiful they were and I couldn't help but praise the Lord.