All things are ready, come to the feast

CB1330 Cs834 E1330 F212 G1330 K799 T1330
“All things are ready,” come to the feast!
Come for the table now is spread;
Ye famishing, ye weary, come,
And thou shalt be richly fed.
Hear the invitation,
Come, whosoever will;
Praise God for full salvation
  For whosoever will.
“All things are ready,” come to the feast!
Come, for the door is open wide;
A place of honor is reserved
For you at the Master’s side.
“All things are ready,” come to the feast!
Come, while He waits to welcome thee;
Delay not while this day is thine,
Tomorrow may never be.
“All things are ready,” come to the feast!
Leave every care and worldly strife;
Come, feast upon the Christ of God
And drink everlasting life.

Columbus, Ohio, United States

I praise God greatly for making this song I heard in my childhood available for me to sing the full words today. All words of prophecy are fast being fulfilled. Soon the Sunday law will be passed. Soon the unchangeableness of God's holy law will become well known to the world. Soon those who have kept God's commandments through the ages will come to the feast. Praise God for His full salvation! Amen.


Austin, TX, United States

Thank You Lord that You have qualified us to come feast on You!


London, United Kingdom

All our character defects, mistakes and sins are due to malnutrition! We're famished, starving even! Christ, as our Passover Feast of unleavened bread is what we all need. We need to feed even feast on Christ. Let's come even now. "The door is opened wide. "Today may be ours tomorrow may not be ..."


Harvest, Alabama, United States

All things are ready, come to the feast. Amen!

Ye famishing, and weary, come,

And thou shalt be richly fed. Amen

Mae B Stephens

Trevose, PA, United States

A blast from my childhood. The alto part with all the intricacies leading the chorus are fondly embedded in my mind. Praise God for the beauty of this hymn!

Tim Ou

Austin, Texas, United States

All things are ready—come to the feast!

Frank Pytel

Chicago, Illinois, United States

A brother shared with me that his daily morning prayer is that the Lord would give him two people each day to whom he could speak the gospel. May I also be one that gives out the invitation "Come, whosoever will!"

Johann Yang

Long Beach, CA, United States

Singing this at the Lord's Table is sweet indeed. "All things are ready": everything has been accomplished by the Lord, and what we need to do is simply come and eat! Actually, our feast is nothing else but Christ Himself becoming our satisfaction and enjoyment. We turn away from everything else unto the Lord and eat Him. Praise the Lord!

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

Born at Wilton, Iowa, Gabriel developed a love for music and singing at an early age yet never had any formal training. He wrote the music for all of his own hymns. He edited 35 gospel songbooks, 8 Sunday School songbooks, 7 books for male choruses, 6 for ladies, 10 children's songbooks, 19 collections of anthems, 23 choir cantatas, 41 Christmas cantatas, 10 children's cantatas, and books on musical instruction. His songs were used by Billy Sunday evangelistic crusades. He also wrote the music for the hymn by Rufus McDaniel, "Since Jesus came into my heart." - Songs of the Spirit by Martin


Last stanza, 3rd line originally says, "Come, feast upon the love of God."

Boaz Leong

Manila, Philippines

"All things are ready"...Ye famishing, ye weary, come, and thou shalt be richly fed...Come, whosoever will...

Piano Hymns