To Jesus every day we find our hearts are closer drawn;
He’s fairer than the sons of men and fresher than the morn;
He’s all that we can say of Him in fairest words and more,
And every day He’s dearer than He was the day before.
He’s fairer than the sons of men and fresher than the morn;
He’s all that we can say of Him in fairest words and more,
And every day He’s dearer than He was the day before.
The half cannot be fancied of such a treasure-store,
And every day He’s dearer than He ever was before!
And every day He’s dearer than He ever was before!
His glory broke upon us when we saw Him in the church,
For here are all His riches, here we’ve given up our search;
’Tis here He satisfies our longing spirits o’er and o’er,
And every day He’s dearer than He was the day before.
For here are all His riches, here we’ve given up our search;
’Tis here He satisfies our longing spirits o’er and o’er,
And every day He’s dearer than He was the day before.
Now He’s the living Spirit who within our spirit dwells,
And by His sweet anointing, how His life within us swells!
As with the saints we’re meeting, full released our spirits soar,
For now our Lord is dearer than He ever was before.
And by His sweet anointing, how His life within us swells!
As with the saints we’re meeting, full released our spirits soar,
For now our Lord is dearer than He ever was before.
The Lord has made us one with Him for His recovery:
The riches of this Christ, the church His fullness, men must see.
Yes, all we have and all we are, we every day outpour
For His tremendous purpose, ever dearer than before.
The riches of this Christ, the church His fullness, men must see.
Yes, all we have and all we are, we every day outpour
For His tremendous purpose, ever dearer than before.
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Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States
This song is even more tasteful than my famous chili!!
Chicago, Illinois, United States
I have changed the words of verse 2 from “given up our search” to “fired up my search”. When the beauty and glory of Christ is revealed and realized as we come together with other lovers and seekers, it should not cause us to “give up our search”, but intensify and increase our desire and pursuit after Him! May we be like the queen of Sheba who being told about the exceeding abundance of the riches of the King went to see for herself and exclaimed “the half was not told me…you exceed the report that I heard” – 1 Kings 10:7.
Errywhere, CA, United States
Billy, it means that there is SO MUCH of the Lord to enjoy that we won’t even hit the halfway mark if we enjoyed him every moment of everyday.
San Jose, CA, United States
Can someone explain to me exactly what “half cannot be fancied” means? I think I have an idea but not too clear.
Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya
Praise Lord for making us one with Him. It wonderful that He is sweeter everyday and ever fresh.
Walnut, CA, United States
Lord thank You that You are dearer now than before I wrote this comment!!
Irvine, CA, United States
And EVERY DAY He’s dearer than He was the day before.
Brasília, DF, Brazil
Louvado seja o Senhor. Eu amo esse hino.
Phoenix, AZ, United States
Praise the Lord!
You are dearer to us than yeterday.
Irvine, CA, United States
Every day He is dearer than He ever was before!