Jesus, I will trust Thee

Jesus, I will trust Thee,
  Trust Thee with my soul,
Guilty, lost and helpless,
  Thou canst make me whole:
There is none in heaven
  Or on earth like Thee:
Thou hast died for sinners,
  Therefore, Lord, for me.
Jesus, I will trust Thee,
  Trust Thee with my soul
Guilty, lost and helpless,
    Thou canst make me whole.
Jesus, I must trust Thee,
  Pondering Thy ways;
Full of love and mercy
  All Thine earthly days:
Sinners gathered round Thee,
  Lepers sought Thy face:
None too vile or loathsome
  For a Savior’s grace.
Jesus, I can trust Thee,
  Trust Thy written Word,
Though Thy voice of pity
  I have never heard:
When Thy Spirit teacheth,
  To my taste how sweet!
Only may I hearken,
  Sitting at Thy feet.
Jesus, I do trust Thee,
  Trust without a doubt;
Whosoever cometh
  Thou wilt not cast out:
Faithful is Thy promise,
  Precious is Thy blood:
These my soul’s salvation
  Thou my Savior God!

Onitsha, Anambra, Nigeria

Jesus, I WILL trust thee

Jesus, I MUST trust thee

Jesus, I CAN trust thee

Jesus, I DO trust thee.

Thank you Jesus, because I will and must trust you. I know I can do it through Christ who strengthens me.

Hallelujah! 🙌 🙌 🙌.

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Mary Jane Deck, the younger sister of James G. Deck was born on April 27, 1816, and at the age of 32 was married to Dr. Edward Walker of Cheltenham, a Godly Christian with strong evangelical convictions who was at the time a member of St. Mary’s Parish Church. Many of Mrs. Walker’s hymns made their first appearance as leaflets but later were included in a collection known as “Psalms and Hymns for Public and Social Worship” published by Dr. Walker in 1855. The hymns were first published in the aforementioned collection but later have been copied into various other hymnals. When she was 29 Miss Deck (as she was still unmarried) wrote the hymn:

“The wonderer no more will roam,

The last one to the fold hath come,

The prodigal is welcomed home

O Lamb of God, in Thee! ”

It was written at the suggestion of her brother, J. G. Deck, who happened to remark that the way of God’s love in receiving us needed to be known, as well as our way of coming to Him.

This hymn was really meant to be complementary to Charlotte Elliott’s hymn “Just as I am, ” which was written nine years before this one and had already become a favorite of many-a-believer The second verse gives full expression to the thought which prompted the hymn, and gives us a fitting picture of the Father’s love at the return of His prodigal child:

“Though clad in rags, by sin defiled,

The Father hath embraced His child;

And I am pardoned, reconciled,

O Lamb of God in Thee! ”

After the death of her husband in 1872, Mrs. Walker spent the remaining years of her life in fellowship with those believers with whom she had previously been sympathetic with. She died in Cheltenham on July 2, 1878.

Mrs. Walker is the author of the poem “I have Christ – – what want I more? ” Which has been set to music and is used as a hymn. She also gave us a hymn which has this beginning:

“I journey through a desert drear and wild,

Yet in my heart by such sweet thoughts beguiled

Of Him on Whom I lean, my Strength, my Stay,

I can forget the sorrows of the way. ”

Mrs. Walker wrote many beautiful hymns and poems, but the one composition which has gained unbounded favor almost since the day it was written, and has been used in bringing many souls into the Kingdom of God is the hymn “Jesus I will trust Thee. ”

Mr. Sankey narrates the interesting story regarding this hymn in his “Life Story. ”

Major D. W. Whittle, also the author of many well-known hymns and a colleague of Sankey, was conducting Gospel meetings in Belfast. One night, Major Whittle observed a man lingering behind. On approaching him the evangelist found that he was a merchant in the city. The man appeared to be in deep distress because of his sins, and the preacher pointed him to the “Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. ” It was very evident that a struggle was going on in his soul, the powers of good and evil striving inside him. “We went down on our knees and prayed, ” said Major Whittle when relating the incident, “then after a while the anxious one straightened himself up, and gave vent to his feelings in this hymn for he was a great singer:

“Jesus I will trust Thee,

Trust Thee with my soul! ”

Guilty, lost, and helpless,

Thou canst make me whole. ”

It was a song of victory over Satan, and a song of praise to Christ his Savior.

This hymn was also a favorite of Frances Ridley Havergal, and it is said that the words of the first verse were among the last that came from her lips shortly before she passed away.

Mrs. Elizabeth C. Holla

Hudso, Florida, United States

I love finding hymns, bless the Lord oh my soul


Jesus thank you! I can trust thee day to day!