Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry

Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry;
Unless Thou save me, I must die:
Oh, bring Thy free salvation nigh,
  And take me as I am!
And take me as I am!
  And take me as I am!
My only plea—Christ died for me!
    Oh, take me as I am!
Helpless I am, and full of guilt;
But yet for me Thy blood was spilt,
And Thou canst make me what Thou wilt,
  And take me as I am.
No preparation can I make,
My best resolves I only break,
Yet save me for Thine own Name’s sake,
  And take me as I am.
Behold me, Savior, at Thy feet,
Deal with me as Thou seest meet;
Thy work begin, Thy work complete,
  But take me as I am.
Clement O. Enweruzo

Fajara, Kmc, Gambia

This is a perfect song for the contrite and broken spirit; and God will never despise a broken and a contrite heart. Like the Psalmist in Psalm 61:2, anytime my heart is overwhelmed within me, I find great solace in this song. Whenever my spirit is broken, I find the Spirit of God surging through me in this song because I have come to know without any shadow of doubt that unless God helps any soul, death is imminent. This song lifts my soul to God in total surrender.

Joseph Adamolekun

Lagos, Nigeria

I have been searching for this song with the Yoruba version for upward of 2 years. I remembered only the refrain and not the beginning. This made the search difficult. I love to humn the refrain whenever I am at my wit's end. While searching for another song in the Christ Apostolic Church Hymn Book, I stumbled on the Yoruba version. What a great JOY that filled my heart yesterday.

The other song's refrain is:

Kini a o ro, kini a o so

Gbati Baba ba pe wa

Pe omo o ma bo wa

Wa jise owo re o.

Who can help out??????

GOB Ezekiel

Jos, Plateau

I see exactly myself in the picture this song painted and my hope is that precious and spotless Blood that was shed. That is my only hope and with this hope I got some courage that I can still push a little more further, and I can still get to the promise. With this hope I'm not giving up yet on myself, because he has absolute knowledge of how it feels whenever I fall along the way, I can hear him say get up and move on, I shed my blood for you!


Kaduna, Nigeria

Helpless I am Lord, and full of guilt, But yet for me Thy blood was spilt, And thou canst make me what thou wilt, And take me as I am.

No Preparation can I make, My best resolves I only break, Yet save me for thine own Name sake, and Take me as I am.

LG Dogara

Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria

This is me helpless and full of guilt. Daily I made promises that I will not allow my eyes take me astray but after a while I break. If it is by my own righteousness I can not measure up to You Lord but glory be to God it is with Your righteousness. Yet Lord take me as I am.

Thou canst make me as thou wilt. I can't go on like this, work in me to grow and overcome.


Lagos, Nigeria

"Whom have I on earth, beside Thee? Who in Heaven, but Thee"? You ignore my transgressions and forgive my iniquities. For my sake, you were shamed and crucified on the cross, and what do I give you in return? Nothing; at best, I break all my best resolves, but you still love me unconditionally. Sweet Jesus, please "take me as I am" lest I perish.

Ayo Oloruntoba

Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom

I woke up this morning with a line of the lyrics of this hymn - My only plea is CHRIST died for me. So I went for one of the leaflet that I have at home from one of the retreats that I have attended in the past organised by Peace House Gboko Nigeria Western Zone. I found the song there but I needed the right tune for it so I went into the search engine to bring it up.

I am richly blessed by this song today. As I spend this day in the presence of my Maker alone seeking a way forward not by my own righteousness but by that blood shed for me by my Saviour CHRIST Jesus .


Kaduna, North West, Nigeria

One of my best song catholic hymns.


Kaduna, Kaduna South, Nigeria

O dear Lord Jesus, if you refuse to help me! I'm finished.


Lagos, Nigeria

This is more than a song but a prayer from the heart of a believer who longs for a deep revival and encounter with God. Oh that I will constantly receive Your help for my life daily.