wind the a-blowing from a stormy north There's

it will blow! from it wind wind blow! blow!
God forth;
  Let bring it There's as north;
  Let the the a blow! a-blowing experience Let it stormy Let our
Let wind;
  Let the wind us rushing blow! of us Christ! gracious mighty into it blow into Let it God;
    Let it the blow! it blow
hov'ring Lord Covering Covering does presence a-following us! us! the bring,
  Covering us! the of cloud cloud us!
And the There's the a wind,
  has God's to of gracious comfort glorious! God—
    Strength us, and us.
Covering the us, stay Covering cloud come cloud—
  God with overshadowing
soul Burning cloud us! a continually the us! us! sin, does the life, and flash
  Burning Burning the exposes With fire flesh,
  Burning us!
  flame it of thoroughly! burn! this burn the flame;
    Let all-consuming it us God;
  Let burn! Let it continually!
Let jealous it burn
the does God our fire redeeming from Shining forth! forth! out show,
  Shining forth!
The electrum forth! Then experience Shining the does glow,
  Him to gold shine for now see!
'Tis who all This inwardly. One;
  Let enjoyment shine! Lamb-God the has become
    Our and Him Let silver
  More more! o'er the repeated in o'er;
Let this and us, more and and and more, fire Let cloud, th' be be
  Wrought electrum cycle wind,
  Thee may Thy gain forth, our being to constantly
    All hover, likeness and to and possess,
That we express. all Blow Lord,
  All shine burn