Search 892
E521 I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast shown Classic
E1234 I thirsted in the barren land of Babylon Classic
E345 I wandered in the shades of night Classic
E8736 I wandered years in sinful shame Classic
E335 I was lost in sin but Jesus rescued me Classic
E1139 I will get me to the mountain Classic
E678 I will not be afraid Classic
E1350 I'm in Christ, now rejoicing Classic
E6418 I'm just a little flower Classic
E6304 I'm my beloved's sweet Classic
E6838 I'm so full of joy, I want to tell you, friend Classic
E551 I've believed the true report Classic
E210 I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me Classic
E6126 I've got Christ as a seed in me Classic
E438 I've turned my back upon the world Classic
E1052 I've wandered far away from God Classic
E631 If I'd know Christ's risen power Classic
E8276 If Thou Tak'st Away My Beloved, Give Thyself To Me Classic
E1218 If from the world you're longing to be free Classic
E1213 If from your nat'ral man you would be free Classic
E622 If we take up the cross, will we but suffer pain Classic
E6829 If you are empty Wondering why you exist Classic
E1261 In Chicago* land we must take our stand Classic
E1288 In Eden's garden, Satan thought Classic
E981 In His Christ to head up all things Classic