Search 4083
E557 Jesus Himself drew near Classic
NS232 Jesus Lord, I just love You New Songs
NS38 Jesus Lord, I long for Your embrace New Songs
NS35 Jesus Lord, I love You New Songs
E1159 Jesus Lord, I'm captured by Thy beauty Classic
NS643 Jesus Lord, I'm coming forward unto You New Songs
NS118 Jesus Lord, You're our first love New Songs
NS351 Jesus Lord, my best love Thou art New Songs
E6104 Jesus Our Lord is the Spirit of Life Classic
E8088 Jesus alone did pray for me Classic
Jesus bids us shine Children
Jesus came proclaiming Children
E8107 Jesus from the tomb has come Classic
Jesus is Here! Children
E6123 Jesus is living in me Classic
E8127 Jesus is my King all-glorious Classic
E6517 Jesus is the Lord in the local church Classic
NS324 Jesus is the Lord, and He lives in me New Songs
Jesus loves me, this I know Children
Jesus loves the little children Children
E145 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Classic
E8716 Jesus waits for you, hoping you will come Classic
NS69 Jesus won't You come New Songs
E579 Jesus! I am resting, resting Classic
E65 Jesus! that name we love Classic