Search 1481
E413 Jesus, cast a look on me Classic
LB4 Jesus, dear Jesus, You're so glorious New Songs
NS805 Jesus, how we long for Thee New Songs
E1057 Jesus, lover of my soul Classic
NT1057 Jesus, lover of my soul New Tunes
E517 Jesus, my Savior, is all things to me Classic
E364 Jesus, my life, Thyself apply Classic
NS488 Jesus, precious Jesus New Songs
E111 Jesus, the sinner's Friend Classic
E209 Jesus, the very thought of Thee Classic
E862 Jesus, where'er Thy people meet Classic
E480 Joined unto Christ the Conqueror Classic
E246 Joys are flowing like a river Classic
NS695 Jubilee! Jubilee! New Songs
NT759 Just one touch as He moves along New Tunes
NS681 Just to enjoy Thy word New Songs
NS47 Known of my Father New Songs
E404 Let me come closer to Thee, Lord Jesus Classic
E164 Let me sing, for the glory of heaven Classic
Let's Open Up Our Eyes Children
E77 Lift that Name high! That glorious Name Classic
E727 Light after darkness Classic
E1353 Live in the light of life Classic
E8476 Live in the light of life (Alternate) Classic
LB58 Living in mutuality New Songs