Search 829
Can You Find it in Your Heart to Forgive Children
E8442 Caught by the foe, prisoned were we Classic
NS822 Christ Loved the Church New Songs
NS4 Christ in Numbers New Songs
E8698 Christ is life's source, unlimited Classic
NS182 Christ is our light, our food, our air New Songs
NS977 Christ is the Tree of Life New Songs
E496 Christ is the one reality of all Classic
E1005 Christ our Redeemer died on the cross Classic
E8685 Christ our Redeemer died on the cross (revised) Classic
NS94 Christ, not religion New Songs
E6119 Christ, the real life-giver Classic
E825 Church of God, beloved and chosen Classic
NT293 Cleansed in our Savior's precious blood New Tunes
NS923 Come and Sing Songs of Zion With Me New Songs
NT285 Come and rejoice with me New Tunes
E560 Come, O Thou Traveler unknown Classic
NT560 Come, O Thou Traveler unknown New Tunes
E27 Come, let us all unite to sing Classic
E684 Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish Classic
E6871 Consecrate Anew Today Classic
E656 Consider Him, let Christ thy pattern be Classic
NS433 Consider Your Ways New Songs
E634b Cross of Christ! lead onward (Alternate Tune) Classic
NS218 Day One, You came to me New Songs