Search 829
E900 Oh, to be nothing, nothing Classic
E646 Oh, trust thyself to Jesus Classic
NS811 Oh, what a glorious day! New Songs
NS908 On My Behalf New Songs
NT223 On the table of Thy love New Tunes
E662b On toward the goal! Press on (Alternate Tune) Classic
E573 Once I thought I walked with Jesus Classic
Once I thought the love of God Children
E987 One day when heaven was filled with His praises Classic
NS68 One family in the Lord New Songs
E1078 One sat alone beside the highway begging Classic
E1011 One there is above all others Classic
NS946 Open Vessel New Songs
E16 Our Father, as the evergreen Classic
E247 Our blest Redeemer ere He breathed Classic
E973 Our goal—the holy city with the Lord Classic
E681 Our times are in Thy hand Classic
NS780 Peace I give to you New Songs
E718b Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin (Alternate Tune) Classic
People like to know Children
Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children Children
E8090 Praise and unceasing praise Classic
NS79 Praise the Lord, God sent His Son New Songs
NS379 Preserve me, O God New Songs
E1205 Press on, press on toward the goal Classic