Search 595
E407 Search me, O God, my actions try Classic
E956 Soon our Lord will come, the day is drawing nigh Classic
E8755 Soon our Lord will come, the day is drawing nigh (revised) Classic
NS1079 Speak Lord, Thy servant's listening New Songs
E870b Stand up! stand up for Jesus (Alternate Tune) Classic
E340 Standing on the promises of Christ my King Classic
E670 Take the name of Jesus with you Classic
E8498 Take the name of Jesus with you (revised) Classic
NS395 That I might be a minister New Songs
E120 The Lord is ris'n; and death's dark judgment flood Classic
E100 The Maker of the universe Classic
E100b The Maker of the universe (Alternate Tune) Classic
NS602 The Return of the Glory of God to the House of God New Songs
E884 The Son of God goes forth to war Classic
NS952 The Son of God is in My Spirit New Songs
NS1045 The Spirit is the sphere and element New Songs
E1321 The grace which God bestows on us Classic
E57 The image of the Father God Classic
E735 The law of letters God defines Classic
E109 The veil is rent! Lo! Jesus stands Classic
E899 The work is Thine, O Christ our Lord Classic
E514 There is One amid all changes Classic
E8383 There is One in the glory Classic
E1012 There is no love like the love of Jesus Classic
E8660 There remains not much more time Classic