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NS682 Create in me a pure heart, O God New Songs
NS218 Day One, You came to me New Songs
E1240 Deeper, deeper, in the cross of Jesus Classic
NS754 Destiny New Songs
E1214 Dig away, dig away, dig away Classic
NS164 Do you know what you were made for New Songs
NS370 Do you know what you were saved for New Songs
NS676 Drink Offering New Songs
NS606 Father, We Worship Your Blest Name New Songs
NS680 Following the Footsteps of the Flock New Songs
E1211 Given us, given us, God has given us Classic
NS434 Glad Tidings New Songs
E743 God created us His vessels Classic
NS663 God grants us to be strengthened New Songs
E1215 God has not giv'n us a spirit of fear Classic
God is Spirit, and He comes Children
E1404 God made man a vessel he Classic
God made me a three-part man Children
E741 God ordained us unto sonship Classic
NS1032 God's Only Goal in Time New Songs
NS806 God's Purpose in Dealings New Songs
E750 God's intention is to have us Classic
NS154 God's love: long, broad, high, and deep New Songs
E816 God's own Word must not be taken Classic
NS894 Grant me, O Lord New Songs