Songs that were recently commented on
Thank You Lord for loving me
Praise of the Lord
Thank You Lord for always loving meSince Christ my soul from sin set free Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Where Jesus is, our joy is there, and where we are and the Lord is, no matter the environment, our joy is there. Hallelujah, our joy is…Take my life, and let it be Consecration
Powerful words- imprint them on my heart, Lord!Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus Experience of Christ
I can trust him because he is faithful. He's shown me many times that he is my trustGlory, glory to the Father Blessing of the Trinity
Lord with Your mercy may the new year bring me nearer and dearer to You each day, so I can praise Thee!! And enjoy You!The old rugged cross Glorying in the Cross
🥹😭Thank You my Lord God, Thank UBlessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
it just takes me one two minutes after hearing a song or two to get in the right frame of mind for …Trust and obey Experience of Christ
…until all on the alter we lay! Have we?I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
God is truly incredible and I am truly blessed and privileged to know him. May he bless us all and be with us!O Jesus, I have promised Consecration
Amazing how God can set a song in your head early in the morning. Thank you to those who made the lyrics available here. (I was fuzzy on…All to Jesus I surrender Consecration
Truly a lovely hymnMy faith has found a resting place Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Indeed it is enough Jesus died and that he died for me.Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty Blessing of the Trinity
I’m so glad to have come across this site. Reading the comments just filled me with joy to know that so many people love God. I love God. He…To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!And can it be that I should gain Assurance and Joy of Salvation
So nice to sing this song, I enjoy how the voice parts are harmonizedPass me not, O gentle Savior Gospel
One of my favorites. I know that my Lord will not pass me by. May His Name be Praised!God be with you till we meet again The Church
Rest well dad, your memory lives on
Fairest Lord Jesus
Praise of the Lord
Jesus is Fairer!!There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
LORD let your showers of blessings be bestowed upon me and my family in Jesus mighty name Amen 🙏🙏What a Friend we have in Jesus Prayer
If ye shall ask anything in MY Name, I Will do it... John 14:14... LORD I have asked these four things in YOUR holy name and I believe YOU…Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night Gospel
Glory to God of heaven. I love this hymn.There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus Gospel
Hidden friend with a very strong presence O how I love Him always there rain or shine I love you Lord JesusThere is a stream which issues forth Ultimate Manifestation
Looking forward to the New Jerusalem! Eternal enthraldom, glory, joy, light, ecstasy, in the presence and worship of our eternal, living…Thou my everlasting Portion Longings
Oh what a Mighty God we serve, the everlasting of the believer.