Songs that were recently commented on
Come, see the church life
The Church
Very nice song, very inspiring. I'm so blessed. I hope I can have the plus one of this song. thank you and God bless youWhen I wake up to the morning sun Experience of Christ
What a blessing to have Christ Himself. May this be a day filled with His presence.Who Can Ever Know the Feeling Comfort in Trials
Thank You Lord for Your deep moving and sweet love.A mind at perfect peace with God Assurance and Joy of Salvation
My devotions this morning from “The Good Seed, ” had the lines of this hymn included so I went on a search to find it and here I am. Want…What made You die for me Gospel
Your love has conquered me!
Cords of a Man, Bands of Love
Experience of Christ
Mark 6:31 And He said to them, Come by yourselves privately to a deserted place and rest a while. For there were many coming and …Dear Jesus, save me this day Longings
Lord, remind me today to gain You and enjoy Your grace! I'm weak and faint, I need You, Jesus! Grace me today!That Deep Love of Mary Experience of Christ
We have not seen the Lord, yet we believe in Him and we love Him. How wonderful this is! In the eyes of love, nothing that we do is too…My Beloved, Eternally Longings
Lord, search my heart! There’s nothing I desire to keep. Fill me and draw me with Your presence. I gave my all to gain you more. Lord Je…There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
Oh Lord, please let I and my Family receive this showers of blessing this year and always in Jesus name AmenDig away, dig away, dig away Various Aspects of the Inner Life
Amen Lord dig away all condemnation in my mind and heart. Dig away self guilt
Buried with Christ, and raised with Him too
Union with Christ
Nothing like the Word, a Hymn and then a prayer for me!My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Hallelujah So precious is my Saviour, So sure is my Achor. So perfect is His Blood So great is…God has a dream The Church
Amen! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Praised The Lord. Let we sing together and praise the Lord. Hallelujah 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Just one touch
Experience of Christ
Lord, you’re the very best and I will drop the rest for you. Lord, I am destined to choose you, to love you and to serve you for my li…Song of Songs 7:10-12 Scriptures for Singing
If the pomegranates are in bloom, there will I give You my love. May our work for the Lord and our person be one. May the riches and…Draw me, dear Lord Longings
Draw me dear Lorddddddd amennnnn Lord Jesusssssss we love youuu amennnnnTo God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!My old man has been crucified with Him Experience of Christ
So Lord l give my heart to thee today That it may be Thy home in every way Amen!Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r Gospel
This hymn is the most powerful songs for sinners to be set free and saved from their sin
Not now, but in the coming years
Comfort in Trials
I recently did some research on the author of this hymn, Maxwell Cornelius. Born in 1842 and raised on a Pennsylvania farm, he faced trials …Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
AMAZING grace.The day approaches; Jesus soon is coming Hope of Glory
Amen this song reminds me to be ready always, Amen