Songs that were recently commented on

Sweet feast of love divine Praise of the Lord
Amen amen To see Thee face to face, Thy perfect likeness wear, And all Thy ways of wondrous grace …
The Great Physician now is near Gospel
Such a beautiful hymn
Jesus Lord, I'm captured by Thy beauty Experience of Christ
Come quickly dear Lord Jesus my heart renders love and praises tasting sweetness of thy name.
Gathered in Thy name, Lord Jesus Praise of the Lord
How inspiring it is to experience the Love of God through this hymn. Your words were found and I ate them and they became the joy and…
Though Christ a thousand times Union with Christ
This is my prayer this morning: O, Cross of Christ, I take thee Into this heart of mine, That I to my own…
Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus Experience of Christ
Lord, may each of these stanzas be my reality. You are my joy and satisfaction, nothing else compares with thee. “ All I yearn fo…
Love Prevails Experience of Christ
Your resistless love never fails!
We've found the secret of living Experience of Christ
Thank you, brother Frank. It always helps to know the background of a hymn.
From my spirit within flows a fountain of life Experience of God
Oh Lord at your coming!!
We bless Thee, God and Father Worship of the Father
Amen father God you are our savior and LIFE
We praise Thee, O God Worship of the Father
Oh, the awesome love of God our Father. He sent His Son, not to condemn us, but to redeem us. We were guilty, yet He looked beyond our…
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
Yesterday I was asking the Lord for a word for 2025. In my spirit, I saw Jesus walking with his disciples on a dusty road. They were spread …
Just as I am Gospel
Soul touching song. Jesus calling me as I am. Thanks to the composer
More about Jesus would I know Longings
Love this song from I was a child, going church with my grandmother, It has never left me More about JESUS let me…
To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!
Alas, and did my Savior bleed Gospel
Felt the presence of my saviour