Songs that were recently commented on
What a Friend we have in Jesus
I love this song! It is real to me.All the way my Savior leads me Comfort in Trials
It's is a shame that two generations have gone by where these hymns of the faith have never been heard by our children and our children's…Whene'er we meet with Christ endued Meetings
If at every meeting we attend we share some experience of Christ, this will minister life, and all will be encouraged and built up!Lord, Thou art our consecration Consecration
Oh Lord Jesus, we want to be obedient just as you are. Help us Lord, to follow always the father’s will as our own. “No more need…Fallen, that's the way we all begin Experience of Christ
Praise the Lord! The best way and the most simple and refreshing way for us to contact the Lord and experience Him daily is to…When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed Comfort in Trials
Thank you Jesus for all you do for meI am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
Singing this in prayer time Absolutely amazingLord, I hear of show'rs of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
Even me, even me Lord let Your Mercy fall on me.My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This song wasn’t really my favorite at first but it’s grown on me. If you can gather people to sing it then bless you brothers and sist…I am so glad that our Father in heav'n Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me🥰
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Experience of Christ
Leaning on the Everlasting arms indeed. Amen AmenA mighty Fortress is our God Spiritual Warfare
“the little Word” (ein Wortlein) is the baby Jesus; so this is Advent Hymn. Likewise in first line of 4th verse, “Word” should b…I Look Away From My Crippled Feet! Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I look away from my crippled feet! I enjoy His riches of kindness! I eat food at His table continually!…I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
About 2am I waked up from dream with this song. I've learned not to give upPass me not, O gentle Savior Gospel
I've been crying to You for a very long time Lord... hear my humble Cry. 🙏Jesus, keep me near the cross Gospel
SuperSatisfied Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Verse one comes from Psalms 42:1. The deer panting for the water is a metaphor for our heart’s longing for some cool spring. As Ch…Lord, there's always been one person The Church
I wrote these lyrics many years ago. What a pleasant surprise to hear them recorded.Out in the highways and byways of life Preaching of the Gospel
Oh Lord! May our living emanate the fragrance of Christ! May we follow the anointing to speak to those we meet.
I cannot tell why He, whom angels worship
Preaching of the Gospel
I love this songTake time to behold Him Encouragement
Amen! In joy or in sorrow, Still follow thy Lord, And, looking to Jesus, Still trust in His Word.O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore Comfort in Trials
Rejoice evermore, rejoice evermore! Even when all things around us are trying? Even when Satan’s darts are flying? …I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
About 2am I waked up from dream with this song. I've learned not to give upWhen upon life's billows you are tempest tossed Comfort in Trials
Thank you Jesus for all you do for meI am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
Singing this in prayer time Absolutely amazing