Within the veil

“Within the Veil”: be this, belov’d, thy portion,
  Within the secret of thy Lord to dwell;
Beholding Him, until thy face His glory,
  Thy life His love, thy lips His praise shall tell.
Lord, I come,
Seeking You,
Bring me in,
To Your light,
You’re so rich,
You’re so full,
My delight.
Open me,
Turn my heart,
Speak to me
In Your Word,
Lord You are
All I need,
I love You,
Precious Lord.
“Within the Veil,” for only as thou gazest
  Upon the matchless beauty of His face,
Canst thou become a living revelation
  Of His great heart of love, His untold grace.
“Within the Veil,” His fragrance poured upon thee,
  Without the Veil, that fragrance shed abroad;
“Within the Veil,” His hand shall tune the music
  Which sounds on earth the praises of Thy Lord.
“Within the Veil,” thy spirit deeply anchored,
  Thou walkest calm above a world of strife;
“Within the Veil,” thy soul with Him united,
  Shall live on earth His resurrection life.
Bob Baer

Brampton, ON, Canada

It reminds me of where I should be and where I really would like to be.

Where? Within the veil: within the secret of my Lord to dwell.

And it does so in such a pleasant way.

This is probably one of the top hymns written for encouraging a Christian to fellowship with the Lord.

A hymn such as #642 in Hymns does not merely teach us. On the contrary, it unveils spiritual reality to us. Our need is not just to learn doctrines, but to open ourselves to the Lord so that we can see something. We should pray, "Lord, I open myself to You. I want to see more of You as an all-inclusive Person. Show me how Your all-inclusive death and resurrection includes me." Then as we listen to the speaking concerning Christ, we will begin to see something. What we see becomes a reality within us. Then we live by what we have seen.