Lord, I was blind; I could not see

LSM206 NT599
Audio Player
Lord, I was blind; I could not see
In Thy marred visage any grace,
But now the beauty of Thy face
In radiant vision dawns on me.
Lord, I was deaf; I could not hear
The thrilling music of Thy voice;
But now I hear Thee and rejoice,
And all Thine uttered words are dear!
Lord, I was dumb; I could not speak
The grace and glory of Thy name;
But now, as touched with living flame,
My lips Thine eager praises wake.
Lord, I was dead; I could not stir
My lifeless soul to come to Thee;
But now, since Thou hast quickened me,
I rise from sin’s dark sepulcher.
For Thou hast made the blind to see,
The deaf to hear, the dumb to speak,
The dead to live; and, lo, I break
The chains of my captivity.
Maurice Ward

Irving, Texas, United States

Isa. 61:2

To proclaim the acceptable year of Jehovah

And the day of vengeance of our God;

To comfort all who mourn;

Isa. 61:3

To grant to those who mourn in Zion,

To give to them a headdress instead of ashes,

The oil of gladness instead of mourning,

The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness;

That they may be called the terebinths of righteousness,

The planting of Jehovah, that He may be glorified.


Lakeland, Florida, United States

Amen praise the Lord

Stephen Bellingham

Irvine, CA, United States

This wonderful hymn reminded me of Mephibosheth.

"And Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem because he ate at the king's table continually. And he was crippled and both his feet." 2 Samuel 9:13.

David showed kindness to Mephibosheth and fulfilled his covenant with Jonathan. The Lord Jesus (the real David) showed His kindnesses to us (in the new covenant). We are all like Mephibosheth.

The Lord Jesus invited us to dine at His table. We eat of Him as the bread of life continually, becoming His many sons to fulfill his eternal economy! Thank you Lord Jesus!


Leduc, AB, Canada

Thank you Lord for healing my blindness, dumbness, deafness and my deadness and for breaking the chains of my captivity. I love you Lord Jesus Christ.. ❤❤❤


Irvine, United States

Lord now I see you!

Nelson Liu

San Juan Capistrano, CA, United States

Christ has set me free!!

Faith Rotich

Round Rock, United States

“The dead to live; and, lo, I break

The chains of my captivity. ” Amen, Christ is our Jubilee!

Ryan Danek

United States

I was blind but now I see.


Shreveport, LA, United States

Divine operation operates, penetrates and recovers a wrech like me to function by His all sufficient grace.

Winnie Michael

Dar Es Salaam

Hymn is really awesome!