God eternal has a purpose

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God eternal has a purpose,
Formed in His eternal past,
Spreading to eternal future;
’Twixt these ends all time is cast.
For with time there is the process,
Time for His accomplishment;
And in time we’re merely travelers—
For eternity we’re meant.
God would have a group of people
Built together in His plan,
Blended, knit, coordinated
As His vessel—one new man.
God would come into this vessel
With His nature, life and ways,
Mingling Spirit with our spirits
For His joy and to His praise.
God has worked in three directions
For His plan so marvelous:
As the Father, Son, and Spirit
To dispense Himself to us!
All creation gives the setting—
Heav’n and earth are for this plan;
’Tis for this God made a body,
Soul and spirit—three-part man.
As the center, as the kernel,
Of God’s plan our spirit is;
Calling on the name of Jesus
Makes our spirit one with His.
From the center to circumference
God would saturate each part;
Feeling, mind, and will renewing,
Making home in all our heart.
Thus in life we’re built together,
Then in love we’re knit as one;
God is now His plan fulfilling,
Finishing what He’s begun.
Lord, increase Thyself within us
That we might be built by Thee
Into that great corporate vessel
Filled with God exclusively.
As the product, the fulfillment,
Will the church in glory stand,
Consummation of the purpose
In eternal ages planned.
God will have His corporate vessel,
All His glory to contain;
Lord, we’re wholly for Thy purpose
All Thy goal in us attain.
Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States

I recently was having a very rough time experiencing so much distance from the Lord. I knew that I needed to open to the Lord and confess all that was in my heart. I began to tell the Lord that I couldn't see how being one with Him would answer my problems. I kept thinking of how real my issues seemed and how much they linger.

But the Lord continued to lead me in prayer and after singing verse 4 He touched my concept. I have to confess my unbelief and let go of my concept of being one with Christ. Being one with Christ isn't to be happy or to escape our situations. Nor is it necessarily to have everything figured out for us. Our being one with Christ is so that we be renewed. That we would be wrought with the divine element and thus able to build up God's body as the one new man. This process of renewing causes us to undergo be washed of everything that is old and transformed into all that Christ is.

God is not interested in giving us a quick fix to our problems. He will use our environment to kill us that we may be one with Him in resurrection.

Samuel Adojoh Apeh

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Lord thank you for your eternal purpose. Lord, We're wholly for thy purpose, all Thy glory in us attain. Amen.

Taylor C.

Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Lord, gain us completely for Your purpose! Fill us Lord!

Gracica Thelusma

Miami, FL, United States

In Thy goal in us attain! Oh Lord Jesus, we love You!

Renyta Suwuh

Austin, Texas, United States

Hallelujah, God will have His corporate vessel!

Tim Ou

Austin, Texas, United States

God eternal has a purpose!


Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Blend us Lord to heed to You.

Erlin Mae

Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental, Philippines

In this whole world only Your eternal purpose will prevail. Lord, we know that You are now fulfilling Your plan and even finishing it. Lord, may we be a vessel unto honor who can be one with You on carrying out Your eternal purpose ;-)

Matthew and Jonathan

Irvine, CA, United States

Lord make us into a vessel to contain God exclusively.

Junwell N. Borga

Surigao, Maasin, Pilar, Siargao Island, Philippines

ang walay katapusan mong tuyo nga himoon mo ang nadaot

nga nangaging katuigan.

ang gi alsa ni satanas maoy imong ipahiuli....

gipadayag ning alawiton nga buot nimong humanon ang imong tuyo