Christ is the Tree of Life

In the beginning we can see
God placed man in front of two different trees—
The tree of life and the tree of knowledge
Of good and evil.
One leads to life by eating Him.
And the other leads to deadness and sin.
So, feed on Christ!
Don’t be satisfied with being good and legal.
Is the tree of life.
He’s our life supply.
Let’s choose the way of life!
Take Him in
By enjoying Him!
Open deep within.
And on His life depend.
(End: Eat the tree of life.)
Now everyone can feast on Him!
Open deeply and be filled to the brim!
Partake of Christ as the tree of life.
Express Him together.
Give Christ the first place in our hearts.
As we love Him all His life He imparts.
In spirit He fills eternally!
Satisfied forever!
(Verse and chorus can be sung together.)

Gainesville, FL, United States

Amen Lord you are the tree of life. Chrissttttttttttt!!!! My fav song ever!!


Leeds, United States

Praise the Lord! give Christ the first place in are hearts!


Negaso Bekele Geleta

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Is the tree of life.

He’s our life supply.

Let’s choose the way of life!

Take Him in

By enjoying Him!

Open deep within.


Eliezer Longaquit

Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada


Let’s s choose the way of Life….

and on His life depend.

Manhattan Wednesday Night Singing Group

New York City, NY, United States

Now everyone can feast on Him!

Open deeply and be filled to the brim!

Partake of Christ as the tree of life.

Express Him together!

Reyno Nieuwelink

Vlaardingen, South Holland, Netherlands

Singing this both at the NACT in Champaign, IL and at the EYPC in Male Ciche, Poland it has become my favorite song. Let's choose the WAY OF LIFE!


California, United States

Let’s choose the way of life!


Kingsburg, California, United States

Praise the Lord we can feast on Him!!!


Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

Amen Christ is the tree of life

Lito Reyes

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Hallelujah, Christ is the tree of life that we can eat, enjoy the life supply to grow in life.