Blessed Is the Man Who Trusts in Jehovah

Blessed is the man
Who trusts in Jehovah,
And whose trust
Jehovah is.
And he will be
Like a tree transplanted
Beside water,
Which sends out its roots by a stream,
And will not be afraid when heat comes;
For its leaves remain flourishing,
And it will not be anxious in the year of drought
And will not cease to bear fruit,
And will not cease to bear fruit.
Blessed is the man
With roots in God.
Blessed is the man
With roots in God.
Tamara Delgado

Temecula, CA, United States

What a beautiful hymn! I like to be such a person! By having my roots go down deep into the soil and drawing out the living and fresh waters of life which supply all the riches of God to our entire being. This makes us Tamarisk trees, trees of life! We have no need to fear any kind of heat because our leaves remain flourishing! Hallelujah! We are not anxious when these waters are flowing into us, nourishing us, filling us, and satisfying us!