King, Lord, Head, and Husband

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We must enjoy, experience, and take Christ as our King,
The One who rules the universe, in us, is everything;
With conscience clear, His presence here beneath the heav’nly throne
Allow the reigning life within to make our hearts His home.
We must enjoy, experience, and take Christ as our Lord,
We live to Him, we die to Him, bought by His precious blood;
We are the Lord’s, His life outpoured becomes our strength within,
Then all our labor in the Lord is absolutely Him.
We must enjoy, experience, and take Christ as our Head;
By Christ, the resurrected One, we constantly are led;
This fourfold power to the church becomes our heav’nly link,
Abundantly supplying all, more than we ask or think.
We must enjoy, experience, and take Christ as our Spouse,
Our Husband, the pneumatic Christ, will build our spiritual house;
Affectionate and personal, our Husband is our Friend,
Our Advocate, our Comforter, our Shepherd without end.
Our Husband, Head, our Lord and King, is Christ, the glorified;
By life His Body will be built, His Bride be beautified;
The gates of hell cannot prevail when we are built in Him,
This Christ enjoyed will usher in the New Jerusalem!

2021 ITERO, Message 8


United States

"This fourfold power to the church becomes our heav’nly link,

Abundantly supplying all, more than we ask or think."

Praise the Lord for the heavenly link!

He is able to supply all the saints so abundantly more than we ask or think!