God has Shepherded Me

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He set me apart from my mother’s womb.
He prepared my heart to receive His word.
He came to me in love as the Bridegroom.
He spoke to me—His lovely voice I heard.
Though I was far off in darkness,
He caused me to turn by His kindness;
A lost son of disobedience
Was led to repentance
By the riches of God’s kindness!
God has shepherded me
All my life to this very day.
The Lord is my Shepherd.
All my life I have lacked nothing.
He preserved me and arranged my daily walk.
He patiently works to transform my soul.
He brought me to the church, the one true flock
Here we enjoy Him and His name extol.
Though there were times in the valleys,
I did not fear for He was with me.
He used every joy and distress
To conform and to bless,
Looking back now I can confess…
I onward run for I must finish my course,
As long as He grants me more days to live.
He supplies me with the grace to be my force.
He’s always near, full of more life to give.
There is not much time remaining.
While I have breath He’s sustaining.
As I follow Him and don’t stray,
Then I know in that day
By His mercy I will still say…
Charmaine Reed

Springfield, VA, United States


Solomon Reed

Mulberry, Florida, United States

This song really touched me deeply within my spirit.

Esmeralda Reed

Mulberry, FL

What a beautiful and true shepherding word. To Him Who is able to make us stand be the Glory, Honor and Majesty forever. !!!! Amen!!!!