Who Can Ever Know the Feeling

Who can ever know the feeling deep down in my heart?
Who can really understand my weakness to sustain?
When I have lost hope to carry on by myself,
Your person stands by me to be my hope and life.
Your love so deep moving and sweet
How can I still stubborn be;
No more I struggle and strive,
Trust in Your faith and rest in Your breast.
When I feel the touch of Your hand upon my life,
I sense the flow of life flowing rich and free;
When You wipe away every tear in my eyes,
Sorrow has depart’d, behold a smiling face!

California, United States

Thank You Lord for Your deep moving and sweet love.

Deva Priya


When I have lost hope to carry on by myself,

Your person stands by me to be my hope and life.

Your love so deep moving and sweet

How can I still stubborn be;...


Norfolk, Virginia, United States

Matt. 11:28-30 Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.


Carcar City, Cebu, Philippines

Lord, You are the one who Knows the deep feeling within! How can I still stubborn be?! save us Lord to the uttermost?


Dunedin, New Zealand

"But He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to God." Romans 8:27

Enid Adiegwu

Lagos, Nigeria

Only Him can understand our weaknesses.

John Chris Beloy

Tangub City, Misamis, Occidental, Philippines

Amen! He knows our feelings deep in our hearts

Maria L.

Fremont, California, United States

Lord you are the only one who can ever know the feeling deep down in my heart. You are on the only one who really understand my weakness to sustain. And when I have lost hope to carry on by myself, Your person stands by me to be my hope and life. Thank you Lord for Your love so deep moving and sweet. With you there is no more struggle and strive, Just Trust in Your faith and rest in Your breast. I love you Lord Jesus and thank you for everything.

Shania Mae Naduma


Thank You Lord that You become the person who can know the deep feelings of our heart. Thank You for such a love that You have for us. Such a sweet love it is.



When I have lost hope to carry on by myself,

Your person stands by me to be my hope and life.

Amen, Lord. ❤️