The symbols that display the Lord’s death

On the Table, before us displayed,
The bread and the cup manifest
All the sufferings that You underwent and
The mercy with which we are blessed,
For You knew in advance God’s intention,
And what bearing God’s judgment would cost,
Then You paid it in Your crucifixion,
A gift we can never exhaust.
We gather in love to remember,
Partaking the bread and the cup,
That Your death is an eternal splendor
Which satisfies God as we sup.
All the beatings, the scourging, the thorns,
The ravage You suffered and bore,
In these two precious symbols are shown here,
In bread and in cup evermore.
For Your flesh and Your blood, separated,
Are both here, on the Table displayed.
We all eat and we drink, reassured that
Your death every righteous debt paid.
When the brothers, with hands on the bread,
Press downward to break it apart,
I see You in my stead being broken
And weep with a gratified heart.
All Your wounds, without number created,
Borne as You were poured out mortally,
All Your sufferings, eternally slated,
Accomplished redemption for me.
You were pierced on the cross for my sin,
Forsaken of men and despised.
You were poured out like water in death, Lord,
Affliction that God Himself prized.
Here, one bread and one cup both exhibit
How Your death reconciles us to be
In the oneness that’s in God the Father,
For which we rejoice gratefully!
On the Table, before us displayed,
The bread and the cup manifest
You were wounded for all our transgressions,
Bore stripes for our healing and rest.
Chastening for our peace fell upon You,
Even all our iniquity too,
All our burdens, our sickness, our sorrow.
We pour out our praises to You!