Bit by bit, day by day

NS400 NS400c
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Bit by bit, day by day, His dear words of grace,
Ever fresh, ever sweet, warm my heart apace;
Spirit of wisdom and revelation grant,
Show us our glorious hope and inheritance;
Strengthen us, Lord, into our inner man with strength,
So that Christ may make His home in our hearts through faith.

Bit by bit, day by day, I His grace receive;
Grief and fears, pass away! How He cares for me!
In petition and prayer, tell Him everything
And the peace, peace of Christ, passes all we think.

I pursue towards the goal, run to gain the prize;
Just to know my treasured Christ, all else I’d despise.

Bit by bit, day by day, pow’r of God is shown,
What is seen’s temporal, what’s unseen we’d know;
Treasure in jars of earth, show God’s pow’r divine,
Sharing in Jesus’ death, that His life may shine; 

We do not proclaim ourselves, Christ do we proclaim,
And ourselves as His bondslaves, this is all our aim.
Mr Tayo Otokiti

Manchester, United Kingdom

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

God bless you. Amen.

Catherine Chen

Taipei, Taiwan

I was about to translate it into English and happened to find your wonderful rendition! Thank you so much! I really enjoy this hymn and really appreciate what you have done for the Body of Christ through this website. God bless you!