The Heart of God

In a time before time, in an age before the ages;
There was God, all alone in eternity.
Yet He had a heart’s desire, and a counterpart required.
A Desire in His heart, For a bride a counterpart
That was deep inside the hidden heart of God.
In His plan, He formed man, who surveyed all that God had made.
While he ached for a mate, for a counterpart.
Man could taste the e’ternal yearning that so long in God was burning!
Eve was built from Adam’s side, And his heart was satisfied;
Told the story of the hidden heart of God.
But when Eve was deceived, what was pure fell beyond a cure;
All creation enslaved under vanity!
God was born in human hist’ry, To reveal its greatest myst’ry!
That the answer for the earth was that Christ so loved the church;
He would die to satisfy the heart of God.
So alone this grain dies, but with joy to obtain His prize.
And with life both divine and unbreakable!
He arises, powers hear it! He will court her as the Spirit!
Blood and water from His side will redeem and build His bride,
She will satisfy the riven heart of God.
When He breathed she received His divine personality;
Flowing in, washing sin, death and age away.
So that He might sanctify her by the washing of the water;
Adding beauty, adding health, to present her to Himself:
Full of glory for the holy heart of God.
In a time beyond time, in an age beyond the ages;
God and man will be one for eternity.
Hallelujah! What a story! She is brought from gloom to glory!
And the longing from the start, for a bride, a counterpart,
Is fulfilled inside the happy heart of God!
Sister Vali Ruth

Tirane, Albania

The desire from the start

For a bride, a counterpart,

Satisfied inside the happy heart of God.

Marieth In Christ


When He breathed, she received

His divine personality,

Moving in, washing sin, death and age away.

So that He might sanctify her

By the washing of the water!

Adding beauty, adding health

To present her to Himself

And to satisfy the holy heart of God.

What a sweet hymn!!!!

Sylvia Cerda

Fort Worth, Texas, United States

I really enjoy the words of this song. We need to see God's heart for us as believers and for the church.

Allen In Christ


Gods heart from eternity past to eternity future. The first stanza touches Gods original intent in eternity past which is to have a glorious bride for himself. Hallelujah! the bachelor God planned and purposed in eternity past. For this purpose he created, he incarnated, he redeemed, he is sanctifying and he is preparing, he is doing everything in his power and wisdom to obtain her. All these processes he took on the bridge of time (stanza 2-8) just to gain a wife for himself. Hallelujah no one can stop him... in eternity future (stanza 9) God will have his hearts desire. The riven heart of God will become the happy heart of God. The bachelor God will become the married God. This is the story of the whole bible, God and man, man and God fully satisfied for eternity. Hallelujah

Lord we give ourselves to this wonderful purpose. Thank you Lord you are working in us, sanctifying us, and preparing us to be your dear beloved bride. Yes Lord you will gain her for yourself, you will present her to yourself glorious with no spots, no blemish.. no wrinkles, no pimples or any such things. Oh what a shame to satan. Oh what a Glory to God. we love you Lord! Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah!!!.


United States

Lord, just let us satisfy Your heart's desire Amen

Josh Carbunck

Cambridge, MA, United States

He is courting us as the Spirit. Giving life day by day, making us His glorious Bride!

Hallelujah what a story!


Boston, MA, United States

He breathed, and she received

His divine personality.

What a wonderful progression of the divine romance this song presents:).

Ben Findeisen

Cambridge, MA, United States

"He will court her as the Spirit! As the Spirit giving life. He will find and form His wife." How wonderful that Christ became the Spirit!

Chris Abraham

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

“Though His death’s final breath,

Finally fell, He could not be held

For His life was divine and unbreakable.

He arises, powers hear it! ”

Sam C

Delft, Netherlands

How refreshing to sing the truth according to God's perspective!