Jesus Lord, my best love Thou art

Jesus Lord, my best love Thou art,
Thou hast fully captured my heart;
None compares with Thee, none on earth or heav’n,
God yet man, most beautiful One!
How I longed to vanish in Thee
When Thy tender voice came to me.
All past loves forsaking most joyfully,
I’d just love Thee — wholeheartedly.
  Who in all the world is as fair as Thee?
Or who else can love so romantic’ly?
Oh, most holy One, now You live in me!
Jesus Lord, I deeply love Thee!
No more trusting self, nor deceived I’d be;
I’d put off my self, just be filled with Thee;
Oh, let all apart from Thee fade and flee;
My one love, my best love, is Thee.
Jesus Lord, my best love Thou art;
I was once rebellious and hard,
But I drop it all now to come to Thee,
Self forsake, that like Thee I’d be.
When I live, be it Thou, I pray,
Not self’s will, but God’s I’d obey;
To Thine heart attuned, Thy delight I’d seek;
No more struggling, fully at peace.
Jesus Lord, my best love Thou art;
We two never, ever will part;
Thy dear presence is all my breath and might;
Thy dear smile is all my delight.
I would pour my heart out to Thee,
Love Thee, serve Thee, joined utterly;
My eternal portion, dear Lord, is Thee;
My one hope, Thy coming to see.
Elisha Tadiwa Nyamasvisva

Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia

Oh yes Oh yes yes, I am in love with Lord Jesus Christ and what best way to be intimate with the One I love so much than through the melody of this hymn. Lord, I give my love to You for Your love You give abundantly with no limitations. All I yearn is what Thy Heart Desires. OH LORD, AMEN, HALLELUJAH!

Ray Wiseman

Columbus, OH, United States

This song is helping to recover the freshness of loving the Lord Jesus with our first and best love! I was deeply touched by the joining of such sweetness in the melody with the beauty of lyrics which reveal a heart opening to loving the Lord Jesus in an unreserved and pure way! praise the Lord!


Ottawa, ON, Canada

Lord, I love You! What a love can compare to this! This song is so good. Thank You Lord for this song!

Kevin Lee Poracan

Dipolog City, Philippines


Ricardo Quiroz

La Paz, Bolivia

How touching is this hymn!! We need to have it in Spanish! Wow!

Pelita CVH

Sinacaban, Mis.Occ. -Evansville,IN

So refreshing! What can I say but dear Lord Jesus, I give myself to You. No such love in the universe as this. Lord Jesus I love You as my best love.



When I first heard this song during the CAMANAVA Young People Conference, again I consecrated myself to Him that I would love Him more in a deep and rich way through His beauty.

