The risen Christ my Shepherd is

LSM200 NS306
Audio Player
The risen Christ my Shepherd is.
He graciously my soul doth feed.
My Christ is mine, and I am His.
How can I lack or e’er have need?
In pastures green He makes me lie.
My soul He satisfies always,
The restful water leads me by,
In fellowship and perfect peace.
I often stray; He seeketh me
To yield my heart to His control.
For His name’s sake He leadeth me
And shepherds my oft-shaken soul.
Incredible the thought beside—
Pursuing Thee all care is stilled.
Thy rod and staff support and guide;
My way is with Thy presence filled.
Emboldened in Thy victory,
I feast surrounded by my foes,
My head anointed bountifully,
My cup with blessings overflows.
Thy love the measure of my days,
Thy grace a boundless treasure store;
Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise
Within Thy house forevermore.

United States

What a wonderful hymn.

After reading this a few times I realized that each stanza correspond to each verse in the psalm.

May we sing praise to our Good Shepherd for the length of our days.

Neil Williams

Mocksville, North Carolina, United States

Very comforting and reassuring!

Nelson Liu

San Juan Capistrano, CA, United States

Hallelujah, Christ is my Shepherd!!


The Church In Arecibo, Manatí, Puerto Rico

“Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise

Within Thy house forevermore.”

Karen Cayford

Stanwood, WA, United States

This hymn is so precious! I enjoy so much singing it with the saints when we come together to feast with Him at His Table! What a wonderful Shepherd and Overseer of our souls we have, caring for all our needs, bringing us back to Him when we like sheep stray, and causing us to shepherd and feed others as He so personally shepherds our inner person. Praise Him!