If God leads you to walk a way

NS291 NS291c
If God leads you to walk
A way that you know,
It will not benefit you as much as
If He would lead you to take the way
That you do not know.
This forces you to have
Hundreds and thousands of
Conversations with Him,
Resulting in a journey that is an
Everlasting memorial
Between you and Him.
Deva Priya

Pattukkottai, Tamilnadu, India

If He would lead you to take the way

That you do not know.

This forces you to have

Hundreds and thousands of

Conversations with Him,

Resulting in a journey that is an

Everlasting memorial

Between you and Him.


Aachen, NRW, Germany

What we see is usually the environment in front of us, but we need to realize that God’s purpose is to force us to have hundreds of conversations with Him. Amen. Environments are not everlasting, but our connection with His is eternally memorial.

Esperanza Leigh

Nashville, TN, United States

The Lord is taking me on a journey now that I am unsure of & a bit scared of. But I want to trust Him fully & believe. I want His best & I want to follow Him. I’ve to take up my cross and die to it all….. oh Lord Jesus I pray I gain You in this


Taipei, Taiwan

Amen. Lord, I just want an everlasting memorial with You.

Maria L.

Fremont, California, United States

PRAISE THE LORD! All these conversations along our journey with the Lord become an everlasting memorial between us and the Lord – a sweet lovely journey with our dear Lord Jesus, whom we love and on whom we learn to lean and depend – which will be with us until the New Jerusalem. LORD JESUS WE LOVE YOU !

Robert Ondiba Aosa

Kisii, Nyanza, Kenya

very beautiful hymn, indeed if we let God to lead us a way that we know, it wont be of any benefit but how much to benefit from Him leading us a way that we dont know its countless. Lord we pray that you may lead us


Leuven, Belgium

Thank You for leading us walk a way that benefit us with more sweet fellowship with Youself!



Found this hymn translated in Chinese and sang by Taiwan saints.









Touching and enjoyable!

Jared Huang

Austin, Texas, United States

Lord Jesus, I want an everlasting memorial with you


Siheung, Gyeongi, South Korea

We are on the way to the Eternity!

Today.. now. I return to you and looking at you Lord Jesus.