The Church of God—we are the church

The Church of God—we are the church,
So important to God’s great plan;
Organic, full of God’s rich life,
We’re born into the living church.
Essence, nature of God, not man,
The foundation is Christ, Himself.
The glorious church the glorious church
Is God expressed. Is God expressed.
We need to see the House of God,
The Assembly of called out ones,
God’s masterpiece and His Kingdom,
His counterpart; her purpose is
Satisfaction and rest in love.
It’s God’s desire that Christ may have
A bride, a wife, a bride, a wife
Eternally. Eternally.
The One New Man has Christ our Lord
As a Person, expressing God,
Subdues Satan for God’s purpose.
Body of Christ with Christ our Head,
Supplying us with His riches;
Many members, all functioning,
Yet all are one, yet all are one
With Christ as life. With Christ as life.
Hallelujah! The two aspects:
Universal and the local church.
The local ground preserves oneness;
Genuine oneness will be obtained.
One fellowship and one teaching
Throughout the earth, universal
Body expressed, body expressed
Locally. Locally.
Learn the lesson from church hist’ry
Of the failures we must avoid;
Degradation we fight against,
Recov’ring from divisive ground
To the oneness of the Body;
Returning to what God’s revealed.
Lord build in us, Lord build in us
The Kingdom life. The Kingdom life.
We believers have been renewed,
Must grow in life and be matured,
Perfected as overcomers
So that we as the builded church,
The corporate Bride, will consummate
All in the New Jerusalem—
Fulfilling God’s, fulfilling God’s
Eternal plan! Eternal plan!
James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

I love the church. I have seen a little of the vision presented in this hymn.

God’s purpose has nothing to do with our works.

2 Timothy 1:9

…who saved us [that is God] and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began.

Now in this age we are called. We are called to participate in His purpose, the church, which is His testimony. It will be consummated as the New Jerusalem where God will dwell and rule with the believers for eternity!

Now the church is a beacon on the earth to display God and His masterpiece the church.

John 17:21

21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

I’ve seen something of God’s purpose. This mystery must be revealed to us by Christ. Now it is revealed through the Word by His holy Apostles and Prophets. This mystery is revealed spiritually, but must be lived out very practically.

It not just for our understanding but is intended to be lived out in our life. In my life through the Word, the ministers in the church, and my experience in our church life, I have seen a little of His church. This is a very concise and simplified explanation of what I have seen.

Man’s purpose is to glorify God the Father through his Son. That is done by our magnifying the Son in our lives. This happens over time as God writes in the fleshly (soft ness) tablets of our heart. This is transformation. We should change as a result of God’s work in us. This is the testimony of Christ’s working in our heart. The work of God in our heart produces love for God and the believers/neighbors. This only possible because of the blood of Christ and His grace He bestowed on us. In the gospel of John chapter 17, specifically in verse three, we see God’s desire for Christians and and for men in general. God is not just after spiritual men but is after a body that expresses His love and oneness here on the earth. It is a oneness that can be of God alone. By seeing this oneness in the church the world should see God and believe. By this oneness man may see there is a treasure in man. They should see that the one God, the triune God, has done something. He is making man holy, Godly. So the scripture says “Great is the mystery of Godliness” which is God manifested in the flesh. Now He is made known by the many members in oneness which express His fullness. It is sad that the church is so broken and divided that it keeps man from seeing His magnificent body, the church. Unfortunately I have gone through such divisions in my church. It is such a shame to God and so damaging, to the members. These divisions in God’s people are the biggest factor that keeps men from seeing the one body [the church]. The body of Christ should express God and glorify Him so men can see that there is something here on earth that He has done. The oneness of the body testifies who God is. It displays the fullness of Him through the many members. The church is God’s enlargement. The individual Christians together with their experiences express the vast dimensions of Christ! This shows much more of Christ than any single successful Christian could ever do. Selah!

Divisions are the biggest factor that contributed to the decline of the church in these days. They destroy the oneness. Who can believe there is a God when his people fight and even hate each other? Even though I have seen so much failure in the church I believe God is still working to build up a proper expression of His body. For the Word clearly says “I [that is Christ by His Spirit] will build my church”. I pray for this and give myself to the Christian’s around me. The Word says if two or more come together in MY NAME there shall I be also. It is wonderful to see what God is after, but we must realize it is only by the Spirit that God can work in our spirit to bring these things about. We were made to be together.