Lord, I love You, Lord, I need You

Lord, I love You, Lord, I need You,
You’re the One, the One I need,
To live this life, Lord, I need You always;
By Your presence, Lord, take lead.
Lord, look into me,
And infuse me
To walk by the strength of Your eyes.
Lord embrace me,
Bear me in You,
Deep in Your love I hide.
And when I’m weak, Lord, and can’t go on more,
Lift my eyes to gaze on You;
Speak softly to me, Come in, subdue me;
In Your strength, Lord, take me through.

Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Oh Lord Jesus.

When I'm weak Lord, and can't go on more;

Lift my eyes to gaze on You. Embrace me, bear me and subdue me. Lord I love You and You're the One I only need.

Tim Ou

Austin, Texas, United States

Lord, I love You. Lord, I need You.


Tbilisi, Georgia

Lord You are so precious, special. Thank You Lord, I LOVE YOU TO THE UTTERMOST! <3

Anna Salazar

Fontana, California, United States

Lord, I love You! Lord, I need You! To live this life, Lord, I need You always!

Stehen Bellingham

Irvine, California, United States

... Deep in Your love I hide.

Amen, Lord Jesus!

Raul Ramirez

Arvada, Colorado, United States

Lord, lift my eyes to gaze on You. In all things.

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

Lord, look into me and infuse me with Yourself. Like Moses, I want to spend time with You as your companion, to know You intimately face to face. I don't want to just merely know about teachings. I want to know Your ways, that I may know my God!

Joy Lewis

Hanovwr, Jamaica

Powerful words in time like this. Lord, we need You. Only with You we can fine peace and rest. When the devil attack us those are the words we have to run to for refuge. God bless.

Juan Lozada

Bronx, NY, United States

Please Lord Speak Softly To Me, Come In, Subdue Me, Deep In Your Love I Hide.

Armand Tongo

Caloocan City, Philippines

Speak softly to me, come in, subdue me; in Your strength, Lord, take me through.