Nearer each day

D6022 NS199
Audio Player
Nearer each day to me,
Dearer each day to me,
This Person inside me is
Becoming reality.
Saving me, loving me,
Faith and hope giving me.
You’re all the world to me Jesus, my Lord.
Even when faith is small,
When there’s no hope at all,
I hear Him say to me,
Trust in Me and you’ll see,
That I’ll supply all your needs,
If only you will believe.
All anxious doubts will cease,
While trusting in Me.

San Francisco, California, United States


Maria L.

Fremont, California, United States

In drawing near to God we need to realize that, whether we pursue Him or not, whether we fail or change or remain in spirit, the Lord never changes . He still manifests Himself to us.

This Person inside me is

Becoming reality.

Saving me, loving me,

Faith and hope giving me.

You’re all the world to me Jesus, my Lord.

Oh Lord Jesus I love you ❤️

Jeremy Tan

Riverside, CA, United States

This Person inside me is

Becoming reality.



Faith Jung

Frisco, Texas, United States

Even when faith is small, when there’s no hope at all,

I here him say to me, trust in me and you’ll see that that I’ll supply all your needs, If only you believe!

Amen Lord Jesus ! ❤️

Samuel Quinones

Anaheim, CA, United States

This person inside me is becoming reality!

Faith Webb

Carrollton, TX, United States

Another verse:

Thank You for being here

Whenever I choose to turn and draw near

Your arms are open wide

Whispering just abide

I cannot live by me

Please show me until I see

That I need nothing more

Than Jesus my Lord!


Dallas, TX, United States

Third verse:

Thank you for calling us,

Your household, family,

And dwelling place!

Reaching inside of me

You nullified all my sin.

You love me individually,

And all of us corporately.

You've sacrificed yourself

To be in me.

Betsy Ray

Dallas, TX, United States

This hymn has brought me through EVERYTHING!!

Praying it to Him,

Singing it with the saints,

with my daughter, in the car,

to my best friends,

The Lord Jesus is all and in all ... Lay down all, let it go praying, "oh Lord Jesus I love You! Lord wash me and cleanse me of my sins, my own efforts, my own thoughts, and speaking... oh Lord Jesus I repent Lord Jesus because I believe You.

Lord, I don't know.... But You do.

I need You Lord Jesus."

"I believe You Lord Jesus, help me in my unbelief"

Thank You Thank You Lord!"

Simply calling "oh Lord Jesus" just instantly turns my entire life!

Singing especially this second verse always turns my heart, then I am praying and praising!


Romans 8:28


Hanover Park, Illinois, United States

Love this song. Word and piano are excellent