Good morning, Lord Jesus

LSM41 NS115
Good morning, Lord Jesus,
Thank You for today.
Thank You for my spirit,
Thank You I can pray.
Good morning, Lord Jesus,
To You I love to sing.
Thank You, Lord, for everything.
Maxine Spears Diggs

Toledo, Ohio, United States

I love the Lord very much. I just want to say to the Lord, good morning. Thank You for waking me up. Thank you for starting my day. I have two young ladies that work with me at work that need Your help. Lord Jesus help me to find the words to say to them this morning in the name Jesus.

Sister Inday Raagas Browning

Bristol, United Kingdom

Thank You Lord for this song, we thank You and we worship You Lord. For wonderful morning, today and forever more, amen.

Caleb Reardon

Fairfax, Virginia, United States

Every morning I sing this song by myself!



I am so grateful Lord Jesus, for the day and new life.

Tatsuya Nishimura


Alternative Chinese translation








Josephine Jimbo

Taipei, Taiwan

I always sing this song to my children when I wake them up in the morning. It's so good I can begin my day touching the Lord with my kids. Thank You Lord we have a spirit to enjoy You. We love singing to the Lord.

Ruby Stevens

Wisconsin, Milwaukee Wisconsin, United Arab Emirates

I like your good morning post from Jesus. I am a pastor's wife and I like to post them up on Instagram to share.

Katherine Adekunle

Lagos, Nigeria

What a lovely song. I have never heard it before. I woke up this morning thinking "I want to sing something new to my Lord" and just googled good morning Jesus and Voila! I look forward to teaching it to the little ones.


Wichita, KS, United States

I love this song too. Sometime when I fall back from the Lord and fall into worldly thing or sin-He touches my heart with this song and brings me back! :-) He even helps me feel His love with this song. Thank You Lord for this song!


Kaohsiung, Taiwan

早安主耶穌,Good morning, Lord Jesus,

為今天感謝你。Thank You for today.

感謝因我有靈,Thank You for my spirit,

使我能禱告你。Thank You I can pray.

主耶穌早安,Good morning, Lord Jesus,

向你我愛歌唱。To You I love to sing.

為這一切我感謝。Thank You, Lord, for everything.