There’s a gospel of today

There’s a gospel of today
That says believe and you’ll be saved and then
You can go to heaven and see the pearly gates
And walk the golden streets;
Words like these fail to treat
All the vanity that is hidden in me.
But the gospel is to me
The Triune God within humanity
As the Spirit reaching me to be in me
The one reality;
Love untold—Gospel theme
Never getting old—story told eternally.
Left the ninety-nine behind—
You searched until the lost sheep You did find,
Laid me on Your shoulders there, You bore me in
Your tender loving care;
Rejoicing—You found me
Though a small lost sheep—You gave all to come find me.
Sweeping in my deepest parts,
You lit a lamp and searched my inward heart,
Sanctifying deep within You shined in me,
Exposed me of my sin;
Repenting—now I see
Lord, You’re sprinkling me—with the blood You shed for me.
Eagerly awaiting me
That I the slightest turn to Thee would make
Though my life had been a wreck, You ran to me
And fell upon my neck
Kissing me, affectionately;
Killed the calf for me—“Let us eat and be merry.”
Lourdes F. Rimandiman

Kananga, Leyte Province, Philippines

Oh Lord, thank You that You searched and find me. You laid me in Your shoulders and bore me in Your tender loving care. How much I thank You for Your saving strength and saving love. I am a small sheep and You gave all to come find me. I love You Lord.

Ufuoma EJughemre

Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom

I love the gospel. It's the only hope to a hopeless and dying world.....

Clarence Cosmas Cobbold

Accra, Ghana

This song reminds me of the West African Young Peoples' Conference, 2006 in Accra.Thank the Lord for His unconditional love. Jesus Christ is Lord.

Anna Sylva

SilverSpring, Maryland, United States

I love this song because it shows the all-inclusiveness of Christ, His never failing love and how He has accepted us as His own...Hallelujah for the Body.....O Lord Jesus thank You for mingling Your spirit with ours...I love You Lord Jesus.

A Sister

United States

Amen, thank You Lord! You gave all to come find me! :)

Lauren Liu

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

AMEN!! This is my favourite hymn :D we sing it in the young people meetings.


Mission Viejo, California, United States

This song shows the all-inclusive Triune God! It shows Him as the Spirit, the Son, and the Father! Praise the Lord for His love! Hallelujah!


Santa Ana, California, United States

This hymn is very special. To all those who sang it and to those who know the significance of Luke 15, I know it's undeniable how this hymn is. Amen!

Rosalyn Koop

Belmopan, Cayo, Belize

This song is unforgetable. The tune and the words are both dear to me.

Jordan Nguyen

United States

The Lord has so much mercy on us. It's just amazing how He is just waiting for us. He is in our deepest parts!!!!