The Statuses of the Church

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The first status of the church, is the assembly of God.
The first status of the church, is the assembly of God.
The first status of the church, is the assembly of God.
He called and gathered us from abroad.
“We’ve been called out from the world for the purpose of God!”
The second status of the church, is the house of God.
The second status of the church, is the house of God.
The second status of the church, is the house of God.
As His family we praise and laud,
“Oh the church is the household of the living God!”
The third status of the church, is the dwelling place of God.
The third status of the church, is the dwelling place of God.
The third status of the church, is the dwelling place of God.
It’s in our spirit, as along we trod,
God expresses Himself we see, in the dwelling place of God!
The fourth status of the church, is the kingdom of God.
The fourth status of the church, is the kingdom of God.
The fourth status of the church, is the kingdom of God.
He reigns in us as the “budding rod,”
As in spirit we live and walk for the kingdom of God!
The fifth status of the church, is the Body of Christ.
The fifth status of the church, is the Body of Christ.
The fifth status of the church, is the Body of Christ.
In one Spirit we were all baptized.
Members now joined to the Head, as the Body of Christ!
The sixth status of the church, is God’s masterpiece.
The sixth status of the church, is God’s masterpiece.
The sixth status of the church, is God’s masterpiece.
We’re the poem of His heart, that’s pleased.
Only the church can truly be God’s masterpiece!
The seventh status of the church, is the one new man.
The seventh status of the church, is the one new man.
The seventh status of the church, is the one new man.
Created in Christ through the cross—His plan.
Now God’s purpose is fulfilled in the one new man!
The eighth status of the church, is the counterpart of Christ.
The eighth status of the church, is the counterpart of Christ.
The eighth status of the church, is the counterpart of Christ.
He gave His life to obtain His wife.
We’ll be married to Him fore’er as the counterpart of Christ!
The last status of the church is the golden lampstands,
The last status of the church is the golden lampstands,
The last status of the church is the golden lampstands,
They shine through the dark as only they can.
Oh, the New Jerusalem is a golden lampstand!