The essence of the Kingdom is
A life that’s under heaven’s rule,
A life whose nature is divine
With Christ experienced in full.
A life that’s under heaven’s rule,
A life whose nature is divine
With Christ experienced in full.
Such is this life: in spirit poor,
With heart repentant, mourning, meek,
Which is to others merciful
And purely God Himself doth seek;
With heart repentant, mourning, meek,
Which is to others merciful
And purely God Himself doth seek;
As sons of God the peace to make,
For righteousness e’en suffering pain;
Reviled and hurt for Jesus’ sake,
Exceeding joyfulness to gain;
For righteousness e’en suffering pain;
Reviled and hurt for Jesus’ sake,
Exceeding joyfulness to gain;
As salt to kill corruption rife,
In darkness shining as the light,
In heart and action right and true,
In perfect love to claim no right.
In darkness shining as the light,
In heart and action right and true,
In perfect love to claim no right.
This life self-glory doth renounce
And ever for God’s kingdom prays;
It trusts in God for every need
And seeks His kingdom first always.
And ever for God’s kingdom prays;
It trusts in God for every need
And seeks His kingdom first always.
’Tis strict with self, with others kind,
And always dealing with the Lord;
It ever does the Father’s will
And acts according to His word.
And always dealing with the Lord;
It ever does the Father’s will
And acts according to His word.
To Satan it does not give ground,
Nor to the world, or self, or sin,
But seeks beneath the heaven’s rule
God’s full authority to win.
Nor to the world, or self, or sin,
But seeks beneath the heaven’s rule
God’s full authority to win.
’Tis such a life which subjugates
All things with pow’r to God’s behest;
The time it hastens when the Lord
Will here His kingdom manifest.
All things with pow’r to God’s behest;
The time it hastens when the Lord
Will here His kingdom manifest.
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United States
A blest song regarding the kingdom life. Praise God he rules.
Fremont, California, United States
May we enthrone the Lord in the center of our being so that, out of His throne, there will be a river of water flowing out to nourish us and also water others for God’s building!
Hallelujah, out of the throne of God set up in our being flows a river of water of life to water us, nourish us, and supply us! 😀
United States
This life self-glory doth renounce and ever for God’s kingdom prays; It trusts in God for every need and seeks His kingdom first always. ” I read the first message of the Life-Study of John and a sentence caught my attention. It said, “Life is the Triune God dispensed and wrought into our being”. Further on in the message it says that this life transforms us. I just like the fact that the kingdom life renounces self-glory and when put in the context of the Life-Study of John receives the Triune God which in turn transforms us. Praise the Lord!