Up on the cross, Jesus gave His life

C739 CB1066 E8739 F205 G1066 K739 P465 R778 S488 T1066
Up on the cross, Jesus gave His life,
Shed precious blood full of cleansing might;
His precious blood washed me clean and bright;
    Glory to His name!
Glory to His name,
  Glory to His name;
There to my sin was the blood applied;
  Glory to His name!
Under the cross, by the Lord I’m graced;
His precious blood all my sins erased.
Sweet, wondrous cleansing! His name be praised!
    Glory to His name!
His precious blood washed me clean, I know;
I am so happy, I’m white as snow!
By Christ’s dear blood I o’ercome the foe;
    Glory to His name!
Come to this fountain so rich and sweet;
Cast thy whole being at Jesus’ feet;
Plunge in today and be made complete;
    Glory to His name!