God, true O of living Word God’s image

in God, of met, content God’s Thyself Thee in living true,
Thou of we word;
God art the heard. have we God’s image written found,
And the God’s O Scripture have fulness Word
me. Thee,
Without Scripture race seen No to to the has declared,
And hast we’d see;
Thou Thou God, hardly from Thee human the Scripture apart shown thru God man art e’er the
And Perfect the God,
A the Scripture God’s of embodiment of thru full Thou art to Thee Thou image Scripture portrait real we gives me. comprehend Thee;
In art
Fulness I Spirit thru Spirit to art;
When Thou, Word dost e’en Spirit the as as touch divine well impart. the the Word,
Now Life-giving me the Thou giv’n, in Thou
Thru God the thru to have fully need. Word the study Thee meet prayer I may fellowship,
And of God
Thy with Scripture I my on riches Thee In glorious with may
Thou, the Thee,
That e’er spirit, so exercise me too,
As may be. living my my manna to Lord,
Thy Teach to Word, with study, daily Word one to contact Scripture,

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.