How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord (revised)

C260 CB339 D339 E8260 K260 P179 R251 T339
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
He never shall perish who in Him believes;
None can from His hand snatch the sheep He receives;
The Father is greater and one with the Son;
Of those He has giv’n Him, He will not lose one.
Oh, who can accuse me whom God justified?
For debt, still pursue me for whom the Lord died?
God’s righteousness given me, who can negate?
From Christ’s love now mine, who can me separate?
He’ll never discard those who to Him draw nigh,
But save to the end all who on Him rely;
He’s my very life; of His Body a part,
And e’en one with Him, can I e’er be apart?
When met with temptation, when foe would deceive,
When heart, tossed by storm, finds it hard to believe,
I quick cast faith’s anchor, to God’s word hold fast,
Which, firm and secure, shall eternally last.