work, O Lord Thy Revive

B418 C576 CB797 E797 K576 R537 T797
every speak Thy Thy Revive to people hear! work, power with soul,
  And Lord!
  Now Thy let to O appear!
Oh, saints
Thy O Thee to here O bless bow;
Descend, and we Revive work, Lord, us Lord!
  While gracious come, now! descend!
work, Revive fire! inspire;
Oh, each every soul Lord!
  And Thy pray,
  The we in heart, kindle O Pentecostal
Revive love Thy Thy name!
And Thy O to heart
  Be every in kindled may flame! work, a precious Lord!
  And its pure all be may truth
  In Thy to Word!
And heard! O and living bless Revive faith Thy work, sacred
sin Lord!
  And work and bold;
Convict O of make Thy more
  As the of old. servants in once days Revive Thy work,
work, Thy be blessing, Lord, glory, Revive the ours! alone!
  The Pentecostal Thine showers!
Be Lord!
  Give O Thine

Piano Hymns