Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express (adapted)

C170 E8170 K170
Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
Our heart’s deep sense of all Thy worthiness;
Thou risen One, the Holy and the True,
We give Thee now the praise so justly due.
Thou giv’st us, Lord, once more to taste down here
The joy Thy presence brings, its warmth and cheer;
With great delight we ’neath Thy shadow rest;
Thy fruit is sweet to those Thy love has blest.
Thou wast alone, till like the precious grain
In death Thou layest, but didst rise again;
And in Thy risen life a countless host
Are “all of one” with Thee, Thy joy and boast.
Lord Jesus, Thou to us art all in all;
In Thee we have no shortages at all.
Our every need’s full satisfied in Thee;
Our thankful hearts will praise eternally.