Abba, we come, head bowed to You

C39 E8039
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Abba, we come, head bowed to You;
Kneeling, our whole heart worships You;
Not ox nor sheep, Reality*
In spirit offer unto Thee.
Abba, e’er- and self-existing,
You span the two eternities;
Your throne in heav’n’s established thus,
Most holy, mighty, glorious.
A hopeless, helpless, sinful throng—
Dare we entreat You though we’re wrong?
We only knew Your righteousness
And not Your heart of love for us.
Yet through Your precious only Son
You’re now the manifested One;
If sinner unredeemed is known,
You have no rest upon Your throne.
Your one Son briefly You eschewed
To gain the sinful multitude;
You gave Him up to cross and pain,
That we a way to You could gain.
Brought by the death of Your dear Son,
We many sons in Your name come;
You who did once inspire fear
Are now to us our Abba dear.
So deep Your love, so high Your grace;
Your debt we never can efface;
We can but thank You evermore,
And Abba worship, praise, adore.
*Reality refers to Christ.
Heidi B.

Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States

"God is more ready to forgive than we are to be forgiven." -Dr. Curtis Hutson

Bernald Clarete

Mandaue, Cebu, Philippines

Very good for the worship of the Father.

Bob Baer

Brampton, Ontario, Canada

This is a rich and tender hymn