When I survey life’s varied scene

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When I survey life’s varied scene,
  Amid the darkest hours
Sweet rays of comfort shine between
  And thorns are mixed with flowers.
Lord, teach me to adore Thy hand,
  From whence my comforts flow,
And let me in this desert land
  A glimpse of glory know.
Father, whate’er of earthly bliss
  Thy sovereign hand denies,
Accepted at Thy throne of grace,
  Let this petition rise:
Give me a calm, a thankful heart,
  From every murmur free;
The blessings of Thy grace impart,
  And let me live to Thee.
Let the sweet hope that Thou art mine
  My life and death attend,
Thy presence through my journey shine,
  And crown my journey’s end.
Nathan David Reilly

Abbotsford, BC, Canada

This song, is the most important hymn for each day of the year. This hymn is very crucial matter. I like this hymn number 682 very much. Because I have to give myself up for Him. Not just that, also being careful, what we choose, and also we need to be very careful, is to not let the enemy attack us for any reason, to be destroyed. This song is a storehouse. A storehouse of songs of God's love, and songs and harmony will grow, just like a plant, for example.

We need to be cherished, and nourished by the watering, and caring in the gentle hands of a Shepherd, that will lead us as a sheep, that stays in His fold. To gaze, and realize what the Shepherd wants in us. So, we all need to be careful what we choose for in the future. The Lord will be the future and our goal. This is the for the Lord's recovery. Satan is a wolf. But we are safe in the Shepherd's love, to be loved by Him, who can gain us to be His people, a right people. Carrying out His recovery, so that we need to be ready next coming wedding day for Christ and the church, the Bridegroom, as His journey, and the crown of righteousness will be our end, all the way to His Everlasting Arms, and will be forevermore be in His flow of the living stream of the ministry of Christ as the final goal and future to gain Christ, as of who He is, and what He's gaining after. But I know, what He's gaining for; we as His people to become a masterpiece for God, in the New Jerusalem as ark of His abode. His covenant and the manna shown in the Bible.