All thy griefs by Him are ordered

All thy griefs by Him are ordered,
  Needful is each one for thee;
All thy tears by Him are counted,
  One too much there cannot be;
And if while they fall so quickly
  Thou canst own His way is right,
Then each bitter tear of anguish
  Precious is in Jesus’ sight.
Far too well thy Savior loves thee
  To allow thy life to be
One long, calm, unbroken summer—
  One unruffled, stormless sea;
He would have thee fondly nestling
  Closer to His loving breast,
He would have that day seem brighter
  When alone is perfect rest.
Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

As we practice losing our soul-life in this age and go through sufferings and trials, the proving of our faith is being found unto praise, glory, and honor, and this will result in the receiving the end of our faith – the salvation of our souls. Hallelujah, what a sweet promise! 😀

Sebastian Molin

Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

For those interested, one of the books on my shelf has this version:

All my griefs by Him are ordered

Needful is each one for me,

Every tear by Him is counted,

One too much there cannot be ;

And if when they fall so thickly.

I can own His way is right,

Then each bitter tear of anguish

Precious is in Jesus' sight.

Far too well my Saviour loved me

To allow my life to be

One long, calm, unbroken summer,

One unruffled, stormless sea;

He would have me fondly nestling

Closer to His loving breast,

He would have that world seem brighter

Where alone is perfect rest.

Though His wise and loving purpose,

Once I could not clearly see,

I believe with faith unshaken,

All will work for good to me;

Therefore when my way is gloomy,

And my eyes with tears are dim,

I will go to God, my Father,

And will tell my griefs to Him.


Clinton, Massachusetts, United States

To my dear sister in Albania, "Far too well they Savior loves thee......" And know that a sister across the ocean is praying for you this morning. May you be comforted. With love.



My husband of 21 years died suddenly, and I cry with pains everyday. Trusting that this is all ordered by Him for my good, and my tears are counted.

Andrea Dawes

Kingston, St. Andrew, Jamaica

Wow! A theology of suffering that is deep and wide. Thankful for these words.

Paullah Leopoldo


Thank You Lord that behind all the storms in our lives, You are loving us so dearly. That amidst our tempestuous environments, we can rest in You and be in an organic union with You.


Guelph, Ontario, Canada

My God understands of my recent grief—my wife of 39 years has been suffering with paranoia, delusion and hallucination.

Far too well thy Savior loves thee

To allow thy life to be

One long, calm, unbroken summer—

One unruffled, stormless sea;

He would have thee fondly nestling

Closer to His loving breast,

He would have that day seem brighter

When alone is perfect rest.

Jane Otse

Lagos, Nigeria

All thy griefs by Him are ordered,

Needful is each one for thee;

All thy tears by Him are counted,

One too much there cannot be;

And if while they fall so quickly

Thou canst own His way is right,

Then each bitter tear of anguish

Precious is in Jesus' sight.


Christ gives me strenght whenever I am weak. Christ is Victor.