Death cannot hold the resurrection life

B377 C472 CB639 E639 F127 G639 K472 P325 R460 S298 T639
Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
The life of God eternal manifest;
’Tis uncreated, indestructible,
’Tis Christ Himself, unconqu’rable, expressed.
Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
Though all its force against it may combine;
Death only gives it opportunity
To show the boundless pow’r of life divine.
Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
The more interred, the more it multiplies;
All kinds of suff’ring only help it grow
And fruits of life abundant realize.
Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
Thru every block and barrier it breaks;
Conqu’ring the pow’r of darkness and of hell,
It swallows death and victory partakes.
Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
All of God’s fulness it will manifest;
God’s righteousness and holiness it yields,
His glorious image by it is expressed.
Oh, may I know this resurrection life,
In every kind of death its pow’r outpoured,
In my experience ever realize
This life is nought but Christ my living Lord.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Eva Zhang

Brooklyn, New York, United States

All kinds of suff’ring only help it grow

And fruits of life abundant realize.

Death cannot hold the resurrection life.



Auckland, New Zealand

I have spent too much time living in fear of death situations, even to the point of being paralyzed. Enslaved for years by this condition...

I found this hymn to be wonderful as it not only reveals that we do not have to fear physical death, but all kinds of death situations. Furthermore, these death situations only give an opportunity for The Resurrection life to thrive. For once we have passed into death, we will be on the threshold of resurrection. If we have this realization , we should never be frightened , but welcome death situations and be happy for them (I can't believe I am writing this, but this is a fact- my past ways of handling this problem was just the opposite and would just lead to more fear and dread). Hallelujah! What a marvelous state to be in!

I am certain that many seemingly fearful, difficult and depressing experiences and situations are coming my way...

Oh may I know this more and more in my experience!


Auckland, New Zealand

Death can not hold the resurrection life!!! It's a fact we can apply it. Praise Him for His provision.

Mark Butler

Diamond Bar, California, United States

Oh Lord! We thank Thee that death could not hold You!

Matt Sanders

Oklahoma City, OK, United States

When the Lord was in Hades He broke out! When He broke out He broke Hell.


Fargo, ND, United States

To know the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings and to be conformed to His death is to know our wonderful Savior. Oh, may I know Him more and more so that He can build His church with Himself as the materials.


London, United Kingdom

Yeshua abolished death and brought LIFE & IMMORTALITY TO LIFE! Indeed, we can proudly say to death-O death WHERE is YOUR STING & O GRAVE where is your Victory!

Amuzu Victor

Ho, Volta Region, Ghana

Praise the Lord we have the resurrection life in Christ. And the Spirit is imparting this life into our inner being. This life is limitless! Death, time and space can't hold Him. He is transcendent!!! Hallelujah!

Boaz Leong

Manila, Philippines

Death is powerful but there is something more powerful that death - the resurrection life!

Jenn Okoli

Vancouver, Canada

Sometimes I felt the power of death overcomes me but now I know that I shall not fear because there is the resurrection life!!! I enjoy this song because it also tells us how rich this resurrection life is.

May I know this resurrection life!

Piano Hymns