And in the depth be praise:
In all His words most wonderful;
Most sure in all His ways.
When all was sin and shame,
He, the last Adam, to the fight
And to the rescue came.
Which did in Adam fail,
Should strive afresh against the foe,
Should strive and should prevail.
Should flesh and blood refine,
God’s presence, and His very self
And essence all-divine.
In man for man the foe,
The double agony in man
For man should undergo.
And on the cross on high,
Should teach His brethren, and inspire
To suffer and to die.
And in the depth be praise:
In all His words most wonderful;
Most sure in all His ways.
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Tema, Greater Accra, Ghana
My Lord and my God the Lord of Heaven's Armies I indeed stand in awe of your Faithfulness in our unfaithfulness! We will forever praise and worship you till your second coming! In all your ways Lord you are excellent and wonderful!
This song continues to inspire me to praise you Lord. Amen
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
I stand in awe of the Love of God, reading and singing these verses!!
It just makes me cry like I did on the day I was saved, some years ago!!
It was the Great Revelation of the Love OF GOD, through JESUS CHRIST Our Lord, ---that saved my soul from hell. I was totally sold to him by the blood that was shed for me!!. He became my Lord and Savior forever.!!
These verses say it in a powerful way.!!
I praise God for the Brother that wrote it.
Thanks for making it available on this media.
May God's richest and best be yours.
Love you God bless you.
Our Lord reigns.
Jesus is Lord !!
Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana
This hymn is one of the powerful praise songs that expresses the love, wisdom, power and determination of our heavenly Father. And I've loved this hymn , since I was a little. One of my best worship songs
Ajah, Lagos, Nigeria
This hymn always draw my soul to God!
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Blessed be Lord God forever
Cape Coast, Central Region, Ghana
In fact, many at times I wake up with 'Praise to The Holiest in the height' filling my whole mind. I had to search the words and sing to have a fulfilling morning. I think this is a song of reverence to the Lord Jesus. May we never be hesitant when the Holy Spirit promt us to sing. Amen.
Romford, United Kingdom
He came to the truth and in doing so his lyrics were completed
Onitsha, Anambra, Nigeria
I so much love this song.
Please I would want to have the script in Tonic solfa. For those of us that cannot interpret staff
Thank u
Storrs, Connecticut, United States
John Henry Newman was born in London, England on February 21, 1801. His father John Newman was a banker who was a devout Christian. John Henry once said, “I was brought up from a child to take great delight in reading the Bible. ”
After he graduated from Oxford, he went on to Trinity College in 1820. He became involved in the “Oxford Movement” which sought to revitalize The Established Church by more ritualism.
In 1864, sad to say, he entered the Roman Catholic system. He wrote a book in order to justify his stance called “Apología Pro Vista Sua”, which was considered brilliant work by some. But J. N. Darby gave him answer to his book in the Collected Writings of J. N. D. , Vol. 18, pp. 145-248.
Mr Darby says of J. H. Newman:
“The secret of the course of Dr. Newman’s mind is this— it is sensuous ( not to be confused with sensual), and so is Romanism. He never possessed the truth, nor in the process he describes, sought it..... He sunk into that system where the mind often finds quiet from restless search after repose, when wearied in judging for itself but never peace with God. ”
Newman’s hymn was revised and incorporated by Mr. Darby in the Little Flock because it expresses spiritual desires. The author however, did not follow the “kindly light” but instead followed the traditions of men.
He died suddenly in Birmingham on August 11, 1890.
Lagos, Nigeria
The song is inspiring, I was singing it in my dream and I woke up and quickly checked d lyrics. the words are powerful.