Under His wings I am safely abiding

B331 C492 E565 K492
Under His wings I am safely abiding;
  Though the night deepens and tempests are wild,
Still I can trust Him, I know He will keep me;
  He has redeemed me, and I am His child.
Under His wings, under His wings,
  Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
    Safely abide forever.
Under His wings—what a refuge in sorrow!
  How the heart yearningly turns to His rest!
Often when earth has no balm for my healing,
  There I find comfort, and there I am blest.
Under His wings—oh, what precious enjoyment!
  There will I hide till life’s trials are o’er;
Sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me;
  Resting in Jesus I’m safe evermore.

I would for this song to sing by some one. Under this wings I am.


Great expression of His promises and great comfort.

Anne Best

Durham, NC, United States

Amen. A comfort.



A friend of mine played this hymn in church during divine, I felt the hand Jesus touch me. Oh He touched and all the joy that flood my soul. I sure knew I was under His wings.


Hong Kong, China

As I study the book of Ruth, this hymn comes to me. The Lord is our wonderful redeemer. We are safely abiding under His wings to walk our life journey.


Pinetops, NC, United States

This hymn brings back beautiful memories when I was a child, my adolescence.

When I listen to this hymn I feel like a little girl sitting on the lap of my Heavenly Father and feel the assurance that my hero will always take care of me. I LOVE YOU ALMIGHTY FATHER AND THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME!

Mary Ann Young

Austin, Texas, United States

It was a blessing just to have this old hymn pop into my head as I prepared to have my devotions, sitting in bed with my cup of coffee, and talking to the Lord as I pictured Him beside me, sharing a cup with me. So, I googled for the lyrics of “Under His Wings” which was very popular in 1958, when I was a student at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. I had bought my first stereo, and this was one of my favorite songs in an LP album. Whenever I played it, tears of much emotion would roll down my cheeks, it brought so much peace. I am looking at a note pasted in the front of my Bible right now where I have claimed Psalm 91:4-7 as my most comforting scripture in the Bible.

I have been through a number of near-death experiences in my life, some very scary including a violent mugging; a miracle in a near drowning while diving as a teenager; falling asleep at the wheel while driving home from work at midnight as a nurse; surviving breast cancer; being hit by a truck while bike riding at almost 80 years of age. During most of those calamities, this song, “Under His Wings, ” would flow through my being, in and out of consciousness, and I truly have a lasting sensation of how it feels to be under the Lord’s Wings, a heavenly knowledge of His peace, covering and protection that I hope to convince any of your readers here who have not trusted God with their hearts and lives.

It has been a blessing reading the comments related to these lyrics. Thank you for another time, hymnal.net, where you have been the answer to my Google request. From now on, I will come to your site first. You are providing a wonderful service. Many blessings to you.


Karuizawa, Japan

Singing this to my mother who has Alzheimer’s. The song struck a chord in her heart. She responded by saying she wanted to go home. She rarely speaks anymore but today she did!!!


Philadelphia, PA, United States

This is great!


Nampa, Idaho, United States

Down visiting my mom in the hospital. This is so comforting to my soul.